CFP: South African & American Comparative Studies (6/1/03; e-journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Andrew Offenburger
contact email: 

Safundi, The Journal of South African and American Comparative Studies,
encourages any scholar or professional to submit a paper for publication
on the website, Papers are being collected for
publication in Issue 11 (July 2003).
DUE DATE: June 1, 2003
SUGGESTED TOPICS: Any topic dealing with South African and American
comparative studies: politics, sociology, biology, law, economics, art,
music, letters, history, etc. Essays and personal experience pieces are
also welcomed. Research addressing one country specifically will be
considered, research comparing the two countries is preferred.
PUBLICATION INFO: Safundi is a peer-reviewed, quarterly, academic
journal devoted to the comparative study of South Africa and the United
States. Christopher Saunders of the University of Cape Town and Scott
Rosenberg of Wittenberg University serve as the journal's
Editors-in-Chief. Safundi has an editorial board of more than 20
scholars and a membership of more than 1600 individuals worldwide.
SUBMISSION INFO: Review the writer's guidelines at and then submit your paper at
Papers of a comparative nature receive priority. The website, with the
juxtaposition of disparate papers, aims to compare and contrast the
American and South African experiences.
This message may be cross-posted to any listserv.
Please contact Andrew Offenburger,, with any

Thank you.

Andrew Offenburger
Founding Editor & Publisher
Safundi: The Journal of South African & American Comparative Studies

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          or write Erika Lin:
Received on Tue May 13 2003 - 12:34:34 EDT
