CFP: Eco-Cultures: Cultural Studies and the Environment (9/1/03; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
Alexandra Ganser

Please forward to potentially interested parties:

Original essays are invited for a collection tentatively entitled
Eco-Cultures: Cultural Studies and the Environment. The purpose of this
book is to explore the cultural significance of nature and the environment
from a variety of scholarly approaches and perspectives. Ideally this
collection will be a comprehensive introductory textbook for the growing
interest in place, nature, and the environment, and will be suitable for
use at both undergraduate and graduate levels.

While the nature vs. culture-dichotomy has long been abandoned in theory,
nature and culture still seem to constitute separate spheres of criticism.
Although a highly topical issue, the controversial relation between
Cultural Studies and Ecocriticism is yet to be explored. The editors of
Eco-Cultures aim at introducing the environment as a new dimension in the
study of cultural articulations and discourse systems, complementing
aspects of class, race and ethnicity, and gender. Whereas the latter three
have been established as traditional foci of examination in Cultural
Studies criticism, an ecological perspective is hardly ever taken in the
analysis of cultural expression.

Possible topics include: nature and the perception of nature in cultural
representation (literary, filmic, architectural, musical...);
nature/culture/ecology in critical and cultural theory; ecofeminism; Native
American ecology; travel, tourism and the environment -- cultural
geography; historical perspectives on nature politics (from animal rights
to National Parks) and representation; landscape aesthetics; etc.

This book will focus on the postmodern era, and encourages both theoretical
essays and applied studies that examine the intertwining and possible
connections between Cultural and Environmental Studies today. Studies of
Gender and Sexuality, Race, Ethnicity, and Class are encouraged and any
number of methodological/theoretical approaches are appropriate, including
but not limited to: Performance Studies, Gender Studies, Post-colonial
Studies, Sociology, Literary Analysis, Anthropology, Ethnography, Culture
Studies, Historical Analysis, Psychology, Queer Theory, Folklore,
Linguistics, Philosophy, Science Studies, etc.

Please submit electronic manuscripts (Chicago style, 15-25 pages in length)
accompanied by a 250-word abstract to: <>.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at the
above email address.

The deadline for submission of completed papers is September 1st, 2003.

This collection co-edited by Alexandra Ganser and Joshua Palmer.

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Received on Thu May 22 2003 - 01:24:04 EDT