CFP: M/C Reviews: Hollywood to Bollywood (7/14/03; e-journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Kate Douglas
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Hollywood to Bollywood: Reviewing the Culture of Musicals=20

An M/C Reviews feature



Edited by Emma Nelms and Kate Douglas


M/C Reviews would like to invite contributions for a reviews feature on =
the theatrical, cinematic and televisual significance of musicals.


We will publish a collection of short critiques or thought-pieces (each =
submission should be 1000 words or less) on the subject of musicals =
(whether film, theatre or television), as well as reviews of particular =


Possible topics include (but should not be limited to):


The re-emergence of the musical (from Moulin Rouge and Chicago to and =
Dancer in the Dark)

Musical favourites-"hits" and "misses"; post WWII "feel good" musicals

Musicals and the Oscars

Hollywood, Bollywood and European musicals; musicals and nationalism; =
post-colonial and postmodern musicals

The international popularity of Bollywood and its cultural impact on =
cinema (from Monsoon Wedding to The Guru)

Bollywood billboards and disco beats

The influence of Western musicals on Bollywood musicals and vice versa=20

"Stars" of the musical

Film adaptations of stage musicals

Musical episodes of T.V. series (Xena, Ally McBeal, Buffy, The Simpsons)

Queer(ing) musicals



Songs, sounds, voice-dubbing, lip-synching

The commodification of the musical; ancillary texts-soundtracks, DVDs, =
re-releases; fandom


The deadline for submissions is 14th July 2003. Articles should be no =
longer than 1000 words (submissions exceeding this length will not be =
considered) and should use MLA referencing style. Please submit your =
articles for consideration directly online at = (please note-you must register as a =
user and include a contact e-mail address; anonymous reviews will not be =
published) or send completed submissions and any enquiries via e-mail to =
Emma Nelms and Kate Douglas =

         From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                       Full Information at
          or write Erika Lin:
Received on Thu May 22 2003 - 02:11:08 EDT
