CFP: Star Trek in Non-American Cultural Contexts (6/2/03; collection)
Having received preliminary interest from an established publisher,
this is a call for chapter ideas for a collection of academic essays on
Star Trek in non-American (i.e. non-United States) and non-Anglophone
cultural contexts.
Deadline for proposals is Tuesday June 2, 2003, as a preliminary book
proposal must be delivered shortly after that.
This volume will be a broadly interdisciplinary volume on the presence
and perceptions of the Star Trek series, movies, and books (possibly
even other ST products) in the areas of (not inclusive) anthropology,
sociology, communications, lingustics, translation studies, history,
philosophy, cultural studies, and related disciplines.
Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
Viewer perceptions/response of Star Trek outside the US
Star Trek viewership outside the US
Star Trek fandom outside the US
Star Trek conventions outside the US
Star Trek fan fiction in another language than English
Star Trek and other American television outside the US
Star Trek and television/movie censorship outside the US
Translations and dubbings of Star Trek television/movies/books outside
the US
Influence/place of Star Trek in non-American cultures
Star Trek's current popularity and significance in non-American cultures
Possible geographic areas include, but are not limited to:
Latin American countries such as: Brazil, Argentina, Mexico
Former Eastern block countries such as: Russia, Hungary, Poland
Inquiries, proposals and essays to:
Caroline-Isabelle Caron, ph.d.
Assistant Professor
History Department
Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario, K7L 3N6
tel: 613-533-2150
fax: 613-533-6298
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Erika Lin:
Received on Thu May 22 2003 - 01:37:42 EDT