CFP: Writing Travel (book series)

full name / name of organization:
contact email: 

 Parlor Press announces a new series, "Writing Travel." We seek manuscripts
related to the new field of travel studies. Proposals for any of the
following are welcome:

   Original travel writing;
   Editions of out-of-print travel books or previously unpublished travel
   English translations of important travel books in other languages;
   Theoretical and historical treatments of ways in which travel and travel
writing engage such questions as religion, nationalism/cosmopolitanism, and
empire; gender and sexuality; race, ethnicity, and immigration; and the
history of the book, print culture, and translation.
   Biographies of significant travelers or groups of travelers (including but
not limited to pilgrims, missionaries, anthropologists, tourists, explorers,
   Critical studies of the works of significant travelers or groups of
   Pedagogy of travel and travel literature and its place in curricula.

Please submit a proposal that outlines the rationale and projected audience
for the book and its relation to other books in the field; include the book's
table of contents or a chapter outline, the estimated length and the
timetable for completion, and the introduction and a sample chapter. Please
send the c.v. of the author or editor as well.

Submit these items to

Jeanne Moskal
Department of English, Campus Box 3520
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill NC 27599-3520

The home page for Parlor Press is

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          or write Erika Lin:
Received on Thu May 22 2003 - 01:20:19 EDT
