UPDATE: Philip Roth's America (8/15/03; journal issue)
UPDATE (deadline)
Special Issue: Philip Roth's America
For an upcoming special issue of _Studies in American Jewish Literature_
(slotted for 2004, vol. 23), I am seeking critical essays devoted to
Philip Roth's recent exploration of American life in the last half of
the 20th-century. This "American Trilogy" includes the novels _American
Pastoral_, _I Married a Communist_, and _The Human Stain_. Consideration
may also be given to essays focusing on his other later works, such as
_Sabbath's Theatre_ and _The Dying Animal_, but ONLY as they relate to
Roth's recent socio-historical articulation of American identity. Topics
for consideration might include:
- Roth's perspective on 1960s radicalism and its legacy
- The question over Roth's "conservatism" in _American Pastoral_
- Identity politics within post-WW II America
- McCarthyism and political correctness
- Fictions of dissent
- America at the end of the millennium
- The (narrative) construction of an American identity, especially as it
relates to ethnoracial issues
- Roth's critique of American exceptionalism, the American dream,
self-reliance, and "the pastoral"
- Political theory and the role of literature
- Roth's place as a chronicler of contemporary American life
Essays should be approximately 5000 words. The deadline has been
extended to 15 August 2003. I would prefer that all contributions be
emailed (as an attached MS Word file) to royal_at_rothsociety.org. For any
additional questions, please contact:
Derek P. Royal
The Philip Roth Society
Dept. of Languages and Communications
Prairie View A&M University
Phone: 936-857-2229 Fax: 936-857-2309
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Erika Lin: elin_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Thu May 22 2003 - 02:22:39 EDT