CFP: Postcolonialsims and the Future of Comparative Literature (11/15/04; journal issue)
Journal X: A Journal of Culture and Criticism, published by the Department
of English at The University of Mississippi, invites submissions for its
Spring 2004 special issue, "Postcolonialism and the Future of Comparative
This issue, guest edited by Alfred J. Lopez, is dedicated not to the
question of whether comparative literature is “dead” or dying in the face
of perceived attacks from postcolonial studies and other multicultural
“isms,” but of what a comparative literature existing in the wake of those
and other cultural studies discourses might look like. What can
comparatists learn from the emergence of Postcolonialism and other
“–isms”? Rather than engage in a turf war with English departments over
the fate of world literature—a war that, given the proliferation of
translations now available, the latter is likely to win—should we not try
to imagine a new comparative literature that can abandon its traditional
national anchorings, honor regional cultural and linguistic differences
within national literatures (Native American or U.S. latino/a literatures,
for example), and continue to protect the multiplicity of languages and
literatures at the university? Questions of social justice and agency
aside, important as they are for Gayatri Spivak’s most recent book _Death
of a Discipline_, the question here is one of survival: how can
comparative literature as a discipline, as a department within the
university, continue to be relevant in a world increasingly dominated by
Send 1-page abstracts or completed essays (no longer than 30 pages) to (Prof. Al Lopez, Department of English, University of
Mississippi, University, MS 38677) by November 15, 2004.
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or write Erika Lin:
Received on Sat May 31 2003 - 14:14:02 EDT