CFP: The Dark Man: Journal of Robert E. Howard Studies (journal)

full name / name of organization: 
Mark Hall
contact email: 

THE DARK MAN is an annual scholarly journal devoted to study, discussion,
and criticism of the literary work of Robert Ervin Howard (1906-1936). As a
working premise for the journal, we believe that the breadth, depth, and
significance of Howard's considerable literary achievement and his literary
influences -- both during and since his brief life -- are worthy of serious
attention and richly deserve a scholarly forum. The journal's purpose is to
provide that forum for Howardian and related studies. Arrangements have been
made for the journal to be indexed in the Modern Humanities Research
Association and Modern Language Association's bibliographic indexes.

Issue 7 will be published shortly, and this is a call for papers for Issue
8. It is anticipated that issue 8 will be published in the first half of

Please check out the journal's web page at


Questions, etc. can be directed to myself, or ,

or to Frank Coffman, senior editor at .

Thanks in advance. Best, Mark Hall

-- Mark HallNiigata Prefectural Museum of History =============================================== From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List Full Information at or write Erika Lin: ===============================================Received on Thu Jun 05 2003 - 20:15:32 EDT