CFP: Teaching the Traditional Research Paper Or Not (8/15/03; e-journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Dr. Tina Kazan
contact email: 

Lore: An E-journal for Teachers of Writing
The Stairwell, Fall 2003 Issue
Deadline: August 15

Lore: An E-journal for Teachers of Writing, is an online forum edited by TAs,
adjuncts, assistant professors, and others charged with the teaching of first-
year composition, and it is published by Bedford/St. Martin's. It can be
found at

For the Fall 2003 Issue of “The Stairwell” section, we are asking first-year
writing instructors to discuss how—or if—they teach the traditional academic
research paper. The recent report from The National Commission on
Writing, “The Neglected ‘R’: The Need for a Writing Revolution” announces
that “the extended research paper, once a rite of passage in the senior year,
is rarely required any more because teachers do not have time to deal with
it” (20). Is the first-year college research paper similarly obsolete? If
you’ve opted out of the research paper, what other genres or activities have
been more successful for your first-year writers and how so? If you do still
assign “the” research paper, what are you doing in your writing classroom to
engage students in the research and writing process?

Please visit our web site ( to read previous
editions of “The Stairwell.” You’ll see that we welcome voices that are
lively, personal, academic, interested, challenging, engaging, theoretical,
anecdotal—-feel free to take risks with your voice. Contributors are asked
to stimulate discussion with an initial essay (500-1,000 words). They will
also promote exchange by composing an “Epilogue”—-a brief, 250-500-word
reflection that addresses what others have written and may take the
conversation in a new direction. Upon acceptance of your initial essay, you
will be asked to compose an “Epilogue” in response to your fellow

By August 15, email your initial essay (500-1,000 words) to Tina Kazan, Staff
Editor for Lore, at . Along with your submission, please
include a short bio explaining your status (grad student, adjunct, etc.,
where you go to school and where you teach). I will contact contributors no
later than September 1 .

Tina Kazan
Staff Editor, Lore

--Tina S. Kazan, Ph.D.Assistant ProfessorDepartment of EnglishElmhurst College190 Prospect AvenueElmhurst, IL 60126-3296(630) 617-3134 =============================================== From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List Full Information at or write Erika Lin: ===============================================Received on Tue Jun 17 2003 - 11:06:31 EDT