UPDATE: Supernatural Shakespeare (9/1/03; K'zoo, 5/6/04-5/9/04 & journal issue)
This is an addendum to the call for papers sent out a few weeks ago
(see below).
The proposed theme for volume 17 (2007) of the Shakespeare Yearbook
will be Shakespeare and the Supernatural. The issue will be co-edited
by Douglas A. Brooks, General Editor of the journal, and Jesse M.
Lander, Notre Dame. All papers and abstracts/proposals for papers
submitted for the Kalamazoo session (see below) will be forwarded to
the journal for consideration. The Shakespeare Yearbook is a broadly
based, peer-reviewed international annual of scholarship relating to
Shakespeare, his time, and his impact on later periods.
Thirty-ninth International Congress on Medieval Studies
Kalamazoo, MI May 6-9, 2004
Proposed sessions for this conference are subject to approval by The
Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University. SHAKESPEARE AT
KALAMAZOO has organized programs at the International Congress since
Supernatural Shakespeare. This session invites papers that discuss
the supernatural in Shakespeare as a staged phenomenon or
socio-cultural set of beliefs. Possible topics include theatricality
as a form of supernature/magic; witches and witchcraft; divination;
superstition; curses; ghosts; miracles. Encouraged also are papers
that address the relationship between the supernatural and the
'natural' from which it differs. Papers that address continuities or
discontinuities between medieval and early modern ideas or
manifestations of the supernatural are also welcome. To enable
greater participation in this session, papers should be limited to
twenty minutes reading time.
The Congress on Medieval Studies provides a unique milieu for an
exchange of insights in Shakespeare's place in the continuum of
culture. The following rules, corresponding to those established by
the Board of the Medieval Institute, should be strictly adhered to if
you intend to submit an abstract.
1. All abstracts must include the following information at the top of
the front page: title of paper, author's name; complete mailing
address, including e-mail and fax if available; institutional
affiliation, if any, of the author; confirmation of the ten- or
twenty-minute reading length; statement of need for audio-visual
2. Abstracts of papers must be not more than 300 words long, and
clearly indicate the paper's thesis, methodology and conclusion.
Accepted abstracts will be submitted for publication to the
Shakespeare Newsletter and other periodicals. Publication of
abstracts does not preclude publication of papers.
MUST BE SUBMITTED BY SEPTEMBER 1, 2003. Abstracts or papers submitted
after the deadline cannot be considered. Three members of the
governing board of SHAKESPEARE AT KALAMAZOO will select the papers.
E-mail submission is encouraged to facilitate transmission among the
selection panel.
4. Submission of an abstract or paper will be considered agreement by
the author to attend the Congress if the paper is accepted.
5. It is understood that papers submitted are essentially new and not
presented in public before.
6. Graduate students who wish to submit an abstract should consult
their advisors about the suitability of their work and the
regulations (if any) of their university.
7. Papers submitted may not require more than TWENTY MINUTES reading
time, including slides, films, or other audio-visual support. Session
leaders will hold papers strictly to this limit to facilitate
8. In order to allow as many scholars to participate in the program
as possible, ONE ABSTRACT ONLY should be submitted to the
Thirty-ninth Congress.
Send inquiries, abstracts and papers to Bradley Greenburg, Department
of English, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, IL 60625. Or
preferably via E-Mail: b-greenburg_at_neiu.edu
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Erika Lin: elin_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Tue Jun 17 2003 - 10:17:47 EDT