CFP: Philosophy: Security and Risk (8/1/03; e-journal issue)

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Contretemps: An Online Journal of Philosophy

Contretemps: An Online Journal of Philosophy, invites submissions for the
next issue (Contretemps 4) on the theme of ŒSecurity and Risk¹.

Deadline for Submissions: 1 August 2003

Themes of security and risk play a decisive role in discourses of
free-market capitalism. Recently, however, these themes have exceeded their
economic boundaries. The global neo-liberal revolution in politics and
economics, and the consequent "retreat" of the state with respect to the
welfare of its citizens, has served to privatise the element of risk. While
individuals are encouraged to assume an entrepreneurial outlook and take
"responsibility" for their lives, a rising tide of neo-conservatism calls
for more police, more prisons, and increased security on all fronts. When
security becomes the basic principle of state activity, a critical stance
toward issues of security and risk must itself take a risk. At play is the
event of decision: who (or what) decides the place and limits of "security"
and "risk"?

What is philosophically at issue with respect to security and risk? What
assumptions and interests lie hidden in the appeal to security, and what
motivations underwrite the assignment of risk? What are the conditions and
consequences of contemporary "risk society," and how do we measure its
effects? How does the appeal to security itself constitute a risk? When
world leaders propose the incalculable risk of a military escalation without
end, the difference between security and risk becomes undecidable. Is it
possible that the political rhetoric of security and risk masks a
fundamental loss of the right to decision?

Contributors are asked to submit manuscripts of no more than 6000 words on
the theme of Security and Risk. Possible topics may include:

The state and globalization
Risk and technology
Risk society
Security and media
Media and representations of state ³responsibility²
Sovereignty and popularism
Democracy today and Œto-come¹
Civil disobedience and Protest
Refugees and asylum seekers
Genocide and nationalism
The ³war on Terror²
Nationalism and Ethnicity
Racism and xenophobia
Biopolitics, medicalisation and risk
Thanatopolitics and risk
Deconstruction, politics and ethics

Contributors are asked to visit Contretemps at

for submission guidelines.

Submissions are to be sent electronically as an e-mail attachment in
Microsoft Word format to the following address.

Contretemps editorial board

Esther Anatolits
Mran-Maree Campbell
John Dalton
Tim Rayner
Peter Schmiedgen
Justine Tauber

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Received on Fri Jun 20 2003 - 18:41:55 EDT