CFP: Pedagogy, Praxis, Politics and Multiethnic Literatures (9/15/03; journal issue)

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Call for Proposals
Pedagogy, Praxis, Politics and Multiethnic Literatures
Fall 2004 issue of MELUS Journal (Multi-Ethnic Literatures of the

Teachers and scholars of ethnic American literatures have
traditionally found it useful to articulate the principles behind
their classroom practice. In the current social and political
climate, it is especially important to foster cross-cultural
dialogue on pedagogy in relation to recent educational practices
in the academy.

For a special issue of MELUS journal, we invite articles on
pedagogy in multiethnic literatures of the U.S. Essays should be
4000-6000 words in length (including notes and works cited),
clearly written, theoretically informed, and relevant to actual
classroom practice. While one or more specific teaching
techniques or experiences might anchor the discussion, we prefer
essays that are wide-ranging in theoretical and pedagogical scope.
 A narrow focus on one ethnic writer or text is discouraged.

Essays might explore any of the following areas: (1) defining the
field of study; (2) texts and anthologies; (3) genres and
movements; (4) cultures and contexts; (5) themes and issues; (6)
goals and outcomes; (7) institutional and professional issues; (8)
resources (e.g., bibliography, video and audio media, the
Internet). The teaching of ethnic American literatures might also
be discussed in relation to: globalization; race/ethnicity,
gender, class, sexual orientation; the (sub)urban environment;
technology; university curricula; and debates over the literary

Specific questions to consider might be: What is the current
status of the field of multiethnic literatures within the academy?
 What special challenges are faced in the classroom by teachers of
multiethnic literatures? How does resistance to change in the
traditional curriculum manifest itself today? How have past
culture wars and canon debates changed shape in reaction to the
current social and political climate? How have these changes
affected the teaching of multiethnic literatures? Do calls for
national unity threaten to erode gains made in multicultural

Please email a 500-word proposal as a Microsoft Word attachment,
along with a brief curriculum vitae with complete contact
information, by September 15, 2003 to both:

Professor Bonnie TuSmith, Northeastern University


Sarika Chandra, University of Florida

In addition, please mail hard copy of proposal and cv, by Sept.
15, 2003, to:

Sarika Chandra
Department of English
University of Florida
P.O. Box 117310
Gainesville, FL 32611-7310

NOTE: Completed essays are due (postmarked by) January 15, 2004.
No previously published or simultaneous submissions, please.

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          or write Erika Lin:
Received on Wed Jun 25 2003 - 23:08:39 EDT