CFP: Reconciliation and Forgiveness (11/1/03; e-journal issue)
Call for Papers
_Perspectives on Evil and Human Wickedness_
Themed Issue (January 2004)
ISSN: 1471-5597
For its upcoming issue on Reconciliation and Forgiveness, _Perspectives
on Evil and Human Wickedness_ is inviting submissions to enrich our
understanding of, and shed new light on how reconciliation and
forgiveness are viewed by law, ethics, philosophy, psychology,
literature and other relevant disciplines and professions. How do
individuals, groups and societies in our globalized world attempt to
surmount trauma and initiate the intricate process(es) of forgiveness
and reconciliation? What hampers or aids such processes? How does art
foreground issues related to reconciliation and forgiveness? Below is a
list of suggested topics:
--The forgivable and the unforgivable
The misrecognitions
The incommensurate
The irreconcilable
--Narrativizing forgiveness
--Trauma, physical and psychological
Memorializing traumatic past
How subjecthood is conceived vis-a-vis trauma
Gendered approaches to trauma
Levinas, Michel de Certeau, Derrida (and others) on forgiveness &
Body trauma
Approaches to healing
--Holocaust Studies
--Refugee studies
--Transitional justice and regime change/conflict resolution
--Forgiveness and Criminal law
Restorative and retributive justice
Legal/ethical/political approaches to General (blanket) Amnesty
(for people who have committed atrocities during wars/civil wars).
--Conflict Resolution and reconciliation
Cross-cultural perspectives
Historical perspectives
The ethics of military/political intervention in local communities
The role of NGOs in conflict resolution
The role of the international community in furthering forgiveness/
--Truth and Reconciliation Commissions (track record, successes and
--Reconciliation and Forgiveness in literature (Shakespeare's
Romances, postcolonial texts, women's literature, etc.)
--Divorce and remarriage
--Case Studies (on any aspect of the above)
Contributions are solicited in the form of articles (under 6000 words),
dialogues, creative pieces, book and media reviews and personal
reflections. Feedback and responses on material published by the journal
are also sought. Submissions in Word, WordPerfect, PD. or RTF formats
are recommended; please see the 'Author Notes' section of the website
for further details. Contributors are urged to avoid unnecessary jargon
and to make their work accessible and intelligible to non-specialists. A
brief biographical paragraph should accompany each submission.
DEADLINE for submissions: November 1, 2003.
For further details and information, please visit the journal website
at: or contact Rob Fisher at or Salwa Ghaly at
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Erika Lin:
Received on Wed Jun 25 2003 - 23:10:48 EDT