CFP: American Youth Subcultures (ASAP; anthology)

full name / name of organization: 
Arielle Greenberg
contact email: 

For a reader aimed at college-level composition
students which has been accepted by a nationally
recognized textbook publisher (to be published in
2005), I am looking for papers on American youth
subcultures. I am primarily interested in
contemporary subcultures, especially ones which are
very new (e.g., online fan fiction) but will also
consider essays on historic subcultures like flappers,
hippies, etc.

Essays from undergraduate and graduate students are
both welcome--if you have undergrad students who have
written on this topic, please send them my way. Style
is also open: I am interested in interviews, oral
histories, ethnographies, memoirs, and other
non-traditional forms of scholarship as well as more
traditional cultural studies and sociological papers.

Please send me an abstract of no more than 400 words
describing the topic, thesis and style of your paper
no later than 10/15/03--but the sooner the better.
Send abstracts with a brief biographical statement to
me at with "Subculture Reader" in
the subject line.

Arielle Greenberg
Professor of English
Columbia College Chicago

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Received on Thu Jul 03 2003 - 17:08:51 EDT