CFP: M/C Journal: 'joke' issue (8/18/03; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
M/C - Media and Culture
contact email: 


                          M/C - Media and Culture
            is calling for contributors to the 'joke' issue of

                                M/C Journal

The award-winning M/C Journal is looking for new contributors. M/C is a
crossover journal between the popular and the academic, and a blind- and
peer-reviewed journal.

To see what M/C Journal is all about, check out our Website, which contains
all the issues released so far, at <>. To
find out how and in what format to contribute your work, visit

     Call for Papers: 'joke' - edited by Paul Denvir & E. Sean Rintel

It has been argued that jokes produce arousal in social beings because they
represent a rupture in, or a temporary subversion of, the routine character
of social life. Laughter, it is further argued, is a spontaneous
physiological response to the violation of deeply embedded expectations
about 'what kind of thing should be happening here.' If this is true, then
we may further argue that an examination of jokes, as apparent breaches of
a known-in-common social order, can tell us much about that very social
order. If we examine jokes, will we find that there is always some kind of
cultural expectation being poked and prodded? And why should we enjoy this
so much? Perhaps jokes provide us with morally, politically, or
interactionally safe ways to express our relationship with the restrictions
that any kind of order - even the order we voluntarily produce and
reproduce - will inexorably impose?

We may also wonder what it is that social beings actually and practically
do with jokes. Whatever jokes may 'mean' in the philosophical sense, it is
hard to ignore the fact that jokes, whether in everyday social life, in
films, or on stage at the Improv, are produced in situ by social actors in
particular times and places for the consumption of other social actors in
particular times and places. We need to know more about what jokes do for
tellers and recipients as they jointly produce an intelligible social
order. Contributors are invited to discuss potential contributions with
either editor via the issue's email address and encouraged to submit well
in advance of the due date.

M/C Journal was founded (as "M/C - A Journal of Media and Culture") in 1998
as a place of public intellectualism analysing and critiquing the meeting
of media and culture. Contributors are directed to past issues of M/C
Journal for examples of style and content, and to the submissions page for
comprehensive article submission guidelines. M/C Journal articles are blind

deadline for submissions: 18 August 2003
article length: 1000-1500 words

for more info -

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2003 M/C Journal Issue Deadlines

'joke' editors: Paul Denvir & E. Sean Rintel

          article deadline: 18 August 2003
          release date: 8 October 2003

'text' editor: Catriona Mills & Matt Soar

          article deadline: 13 October 2003
          release date: 3 December 2003

2004 issue topics and deadlines to be announced shortly!

M/C Journal is online at <>.
All issues of M/C Journal on various topics are available there.
M/C Reviews is now available at <>.


                                            Dr Axel Bruns

--Supervising Production Manager - Media and Culture =============================================== From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List Full Information at or write Erika Lin: ===============================================Received on Thu Jul 03 2003 - 16:12:49 EDT