CFP: English Studies Forum (no deadline; e-journal)

full name / name of organization: 
Strecker, Trey
contact email: 

The electronic English Studies Forum publishes innovative critical and creative writing. ESF currently seeks submissions for sites on the following topics:

* "Image, Story, and Conversation" explores the idea that we imagine our world in archtypal patterns, three of which are image, story, and conversation.
* "The Postmodern Imagination and Beyond" asks "what are we imagining, and how?" This site investigates the postmodern imagination and the postmodern understanding of the nature/role of imagination in contemporary literature and culture. This site will also consider what post-postmodernism might look like.
* "PostColonial Literatures" examines postcolonial literatures and the postcolonial imagination.

ESF welcomes critical studies and commentary, as well as creative examples, in writing and the other arts, and outside of the arts. Critical submission should conform to M.L.A. style and include a bibliography, if appropriate.

Send inquires or submissions to:

Trey Strecker, Editor in Chief

English Studies Forum

Department of English

Ball State University

Muncie, IN 47306-0460

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Received on Sat Jul 19 2003 - 13:51:15 EDT