CFP: Teaching Technical Communication (8/1/03; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Julia M Williams

Please excuse the cross-postings:


Special Issue of IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication

Case Studies for Teaching Technical Communication

Judy Strother, Florida Institute of Technology
Julia Williams, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

guest editors

Proposals due August 1, 2003; Papers due November 1, 2003

For teachers of technical communication, case studies represent the
foundation upon which technical communication instruction is built. In
a field that connects academic and theoretical concerns with
professional practice, technical communication faculty constantly strive
to bring real world experiences into their classrooms; case studies help
make our teaching clearly relevant to students' interests and concerns.
The Challenger disaster, for example, has allowed students to study the
memos of John Miller, Roger Boisjoly, and Brian Russell. As a result,
students see the serious consequences of flawed communication in
hierarchical organizations, the differences in communication styles that
distinguish engineers from managers, and the importance of rhetoric and
persuasion in the graphical representation of data, among many issues.
Unfortunately, as time passes, some case studies may lose their
currency, while new communication events emerge in the media. For this
reason, the IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication will devote
a special issue (tentatively scheduled for publication in December 2004)
to case studies for teaching technical communication.

In your proposal, we ask that you include the following information
about the case study:

* preview the content of the paper
* describe the case (tell the story)
* outline instructional guidance for using the case, including
prompts that can help students analyze the case and questions that can
guide student discussion
* identify student learning outcomes and methods for assessing
those outcomes
* describe the use of the case by an instructor

In addition to this special issue of Transactions, the guest editors
plan to develop a web-based resource, so the foundation established by
the special issue can be added to as classroom practitioners use and
develop new dimensions to these cases. The cases will represent
significant new research in the field of technical communication
pedagogy, models of relevant communication situations and strategies
from which our students will benefit.

Please submit a 1-2 page proposal (attached to email in plain text or
MS-Word) to Julia Williams, If you would like
to discuss your proposal idea, please email either Julia or Judy

Proposals due: August 1, 2003. Final Papers due: November 1, 2003.

Special Issue Publication date: December 2004

IEEE PCS editorial policies:

Julia M. Williams, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of English and
   Coordinator of Technical Communication
Humanities and Social Sciences Department
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Terre Haute, IN 47803

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Received on Thu Jul 24 2003 - 20:09:02 EDT
