CFP: Science and Literature Cross-Fertilisations: Green Letters (10/1/03; journal)

full name / name of organization: 
M S Phillips
contact email: 


Green Letters

Deadline: 1 October 2003

Green Letters, the journal of ASLE-UK (the Association for the Study of
Literature and Environment, UK Branch), is devoted to exploring
interdisciplinary interfaces between humans and the natural environment.

Articles are invited for our 2003 fall edition that consider the relations
between scientific theory and literature, as well as the scientific
foundations of literary theory, especially concerning postcolonialism and
ecocriticism. Literary, historical, aesthetic and cultural studies
approaches, sociological and anthropological studies, as well as
perspectives from the scientific disciplines, are encouraged. Possible
subjects of exploration include: ecofeminist theory and the biological body;
the impact of Lovelock's Gaia hypothesis on literature; evolution and
literary theory; Darwinian analysis of specific texts; fusing deep ecology
and quantum mechanics; discourses on scientific innovation and perceptions
of the natural environment; representation and reality.

We would also like to encourage contributions of book reviews and
thematically related creative nonfiction.

Green Letters is a peer-reviewed journal and all articles will be subject to
the usual refereeing process. Each article should be accompanied by an
abstract and a brief biographical note. Articles should be typed double
spaced, with references in the Harvard Style and substantive footnotes at
the end of the article. Manuscript length should be between 4,000 and 6,000

Submissions should be made via email with a MS Word attachment of the
document. Please send submissions and any inquiries to the Green Letters
editorial board at

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          or write Erika Lin:
Received on Wed Jul 30 2003 - 18:27:27 EDT