CFP: DLB: American Nature Writers Before 1900: Prose (11/1/03; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
Patterson, Danny
contact email: 

Call for Contributors

Dictionary of Literary Biography: American Nature Writers before 1900:

Edited by Daniel Patterson

Qualified contributors are needed to write 3,000-word entries on the
following early American nature writers:

John Bradbury
George Catlin
Clarence Edward Dutton
Thomas Wilson Flagg
Chandler Robbins Gilman
John Edwards Holbrook
Clarence King
Thomas Starr King
Samuel Latham Mitchill
Annie Trumbull Slosson
Edith M. Thomas

The deadline for entries is November 1, 2003. For each entry a payment
will be made, but it will not injure your poverty. Please contact
Daniel Patterson if you would like to contribute to this project.
Contributors will receive a contract, a sample entry, and DLB

Daniel Patterson
Department of English Language and Literature
Central Michigan University
Mount Pleasant, Michigan 48859

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Received on Wed Aug 13 2003 - 18:02:17 EDT