
displaying 1 - 15 of 27

CFP: Informing Power: Current International Affairs (10/20/03; journal issue)

Friday, August 29, 2003 - 3:38pm
colin wright

The deadline for submissions for the CFP below has now been extended to =
the 20th of October, 2003. We are also hoping to run in this issue a =
special mini-feature on media coverage of the war in Iraq (and after), =
from CNN to Al-Jazeera. All contributions welcome.

Dear academics/ writers/ thinkers/ journalists/ polemicists,

    Please see below the latest call for papers for Situation Analysis, =
an exciting new journal which provides a forum for the interface between =
critical thought and international current affairs. We encourage an =
examination of the relation between theory and world events, soliciting =
passionate responses to the most urgent themes of our time.

CFP: Education and Colonialism in South Asia (9/30/03; collection)

Friday, August 29, 2003 - 3:23pm
Reserch & Publication Centre National College Of Arts

Call for Papers (Edited Collection)

Research and Publication Centre at the National College of Arts, Lahore,

Pakistan, invites research papers for publication in a peer-reviewed
collection. The aim of the book is to examine the relationship between
education and colonialism. Therefore, the papers should examine the
pedagogical practices, institutions and British colonialism in the
subcontinent, especially with reference to contemporary Pakistan. The
editors would eagerly welcome those papers that employ theoretical
innovation with rigorous scholarship in order to analyze the nexus of
education and the legacies of imperialism in South Asia.

Possible areas of investigation can include:

CFP: Education and Colonialism in South Asia (9/30/03; collection)

Friday, August 29, 2003 - 3:23pm
Reserch & Publication Centre National College Of Arts

Call for Papers (Edited Collection)

Research and Publication Centre at the National College of Arts, Lahore,

Pakistan, invites research papers for publication in a peer-reviewed
collection. The aim of the book is to examine the relationship between
education and colonialism. Therefore, the papers should examine the
pedagogical practices, institutions and British colonialism in the
subcontinent, especially with reference to contemporary Pakistan. The
editors would eagerly welcome those papers that employ theoretical
innovation with rigorous scholarship in order to analyze the nexus of
education and the legacies of imperialism in South Asia.

Possible areas of investigation can include:

CFP: Creative Activisms (1/20/04; journal issue)

Friday, August 29, 2003 - 3:22pm
colin wright

Dear academics/ activists/writers/ thinkers/ journalists/ polemicists,

    Please see below the latest call for papers for Situation Analysis, =
an exciting new journal which provides a forum for the interface between =
critical thought and international current affairs. We encourage an =
examination of the relation between theory and world events, soliciting =
passionate responses to the most urgent themes of our time.
Creative Activisms=20
Deadline for submission: 20th January 2004=20

CFP: Film Composers, also TV & 'Media' (10/15/03; collection)

Friday, August 29, 2003 - 3:19pm
Creative And Performing Arts

Call for chapter proposals:

'The Companion to Sound in Film and the Visual Media' (Continuum)

The Editor of this international volume is looking for chapters on key film, TV
and 'other media' composers. . . .

Chapters are likely to be 5,000 words in length, but suggestions for shorter or
longer contributions are welcome.

When complete, the book will be a comprehensive work on sound in film, TV and
multi-media, and will be suitable for researchers and as a general u/graduate
reference work.

This is an already contracted book with a major publisher and chapter authors
will also be given individual contracts.

CFP: Film Composers, also TV & 'Media' (10/15/03; collection)

Friday, August 29, 2003 - 3:19pm
Creative And Performing Arts

Call for chapter proposals:

'The Companion to Sound in Film and the Visual Media' (Continuum)

The Editor of this international volume is looking for chapters on key film, TV
and 'other media' composers. . . .

Chapters are likely to be 5,000 words in length, but suggestions for shorter or
longer contributions are welcome.

When complete, the book will be a comprehensive work on sound in film, TV and
multi-media, and will be suitable for researchers and as a general u/graduate
reference work.

This is an already contracted book with a major publisher and chapter authors
will also be given individual contracts.

CFP: Creative & Critical Writing (11/1/03; journal issue)

Friday, August 29, 2003 - 3:19pm

Call for Papers

New Writing: the International Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative

The editors invite submissions of critical articles and/or creative work for
the forthcoming issue.

The journal is interested in the best creative work from university and college
programmes worldwide (staff and/or student), as well as articles concerned

Creative writing pedagogy and creative writing research;
The art/s of writing;
The histories and cultures of creative writing;
The aesthetics, styles, forms and conditions of writing;
Writers and writing techniques

. . . to name a few areas.

Conference reports and writer interviews will be considered.

CFP: Essays for Companion to 20th-Century American Poetry (no deadline noted; collection)

Friday, August 29, 2003 - 3:17pm
Kimmelman, Burt

Contributors are needed to write short essays on these topics:

"John Cage" (500 words)
"Martin Espada" (500 words)
"Barbara Guest" (500 words)
"Langston Hughes" (1000-1500 words)
"James Weldon Johnson" (500 words)
"Yusef Komunyakaa" (500 words)
"Al Purdy" (500 words)
"Anne Waldman" (500 words)
"John Wheelwright" (500 words)
"Gunslinger" by Ed Dorn (1000 words).

The essays are for a volume entitled A Companion to Twentieth-Century
American Poetry (to be published by Facts on File, Inc., a publisher that
enjoys very wide distribution in libraries, colleges and high schools, as
well as bookstores).

CFP: Essays for Companion to 20th-Century American Poetry (no deadline noted; collection)

Friday, August 29, 2003 - 3:17pm
Kimmelman, Burt

Contributors are needed to write short essays on these topics:

"John Cage" (500 words)
"Martin Espada" (500 words)
"Barbara Guest" (500 words)
"Langston Hughes" (1000-1500 words)
"James Weldon Johnson" (500 words)
"Yusef Komunyakaa" (500 words)
"Al Purdy" (500 words)
"Anne Waldman" (500 words)
"John Wheelwright" (500 words)
"Gunslinger" by Ed Dorn (1000 words).

The essays are for a volume entitled A Companion to Twentieth-Century
American Poetry (to be published by Facts on File, Inc., a publisher that
enjoys very wide distribution in libraries, colleges and high schools, as
well as bookstores).

CFP: Essays for Companion to 20th-Century American Poetry (no deadline noted; collection)

Friday, August 29, 2003 - 3:17pm
Kimmelman, Burt

Contributors are needed to write short essays on these topics:

"John Cage" (500 words)
"Martin Espada" (500 words)
"Barbara Guest" (500 words)
"Langston Hughes" (1000-1500 words)
"James Weldon Johnson" (500 words)
"Yusef Komunyakaa" (500 words)
"Al Purdy" (500 words)
"Anne Waldman" (500 words)
"John Wheelwright" (500 words)
"Gunslinger" by Ed Dorn (1000 words).

The essays are for a volume entitled A Companion to Twentieth-Century
American Poetry (to be published by Facts on File, Inc., a publisher that
enjoys very wide distribution in libraries, colleges and high schools, as
well as bookstores).

CFP: Migration Within and Out of South Asia in the 20th C. (12/30/03; collection)

Friday, August 29, 2003 - 3:15pm
Debali Mookerjea-Leonard

Call for Papers

Articles are invited for a forthcoming anthology of writings on
‘migration’ within and out of South Asia in the 20th century.

The volume, tentatively titled "To Cities, Countries, Continents," will be
divided into three thematic sections. The first will focus on texts that
portray migration of rural populations to colonial and postcolonial urban
centers. The focus of the second section will be on texts that address the
migrations across national borders in 1947, 1971 and later. The third
section will analyze texts on the migrational experience of expatriate
South Asians (including indentured laborers) in Africa, Europe and the

CFP: Social Semiotics: What is Media Theory? (12/19/03; journal issue)

Friday, August 29, 2003 - 3:13pm
Terry Threadgold

SOCIAL SEMIOTICS: Special Symposium: 'What is Media Theory?' - 19/12/03
(for Vol 14 (2) 2004)

General Editor: Professor Terry Threadgold, Cardiff University, Wales, UK

Co-Editor: Dr Radhika Mohanram, Cardiff University, Wales, UK

Associate Editor, Australia: Dr Joseph Pugliese, Macquarie University, NSW,

Associate Editor, USA: Dr Toby Miller, New York University, USA

Book Review Editors: Dr Karin Wahl-Jorgensen, Cardiff University, Wales, UK
Rebecca Farley, Cardiff University, Wales, UK

Editorial Assistant: Judith Pryor, Cardiff University, Wales, UK

CFP: Social Semiotics: What is Media Theory? (12/19/03; journal issue)

Friday, August 29, 2003 - 3:13pm
Terry Threadgold

SOCIAL SEMIOTICS: Special Symposium: 'What is Media Theory?' - 19/12/03
(for Vol 14 (2) 2004)

General Editor: Professor Terry Threadgold, Cardiff University, Wales, UK

Co-Editor: Dr Radhika Mohanram, Cardiff University, Wales, UK

Associate Editor, Australia: Dr Joseph Pugliese, Macquarie University, NSW,

Associate Editor, USA: Dr Toby Miller, New York University, USA

Book Review Editors: Dr Karin Wahl-Jorgensen, Cardiff University, Wales, UK
Rebecca Farley, Cardiff University, Wales, UK

Editorial Assistant: Judith Pryor, Cardiff University, Wales, UK
