CFP: Film Composers, also TV & 'Media' (10/15/03; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
Creative And Performing Arts
contact email: 

Call for chapter proposals:

'The Companion to Sound in Film and the Visual Media' (Continuum)

The Editor of this international volume is looking for chapters on key film, TV
and 'other media' composers. . . .

Chapters are likely to be 5,000 words in length, but suggestions for shorter or
longer contributions are welcome.

When complete, the book will be a comprehensive work on sound in film, TV and
multi-media, and will be suitable for researchers and as a general u/graduate
reference work.

This is an already contracted book with a major publisher and chapter authors
will also be given individual contracts.

Proposals can be sent to the office of the ECRF Film Research Forum, Centre for
Creative & Performing Arts, University of Wales, Bangor, UK on or to the Editor, Graeme Harper, on

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          or write Erika Lin:
Received on Fri Aug 29 2003 - 11:19:59 EDT
