CFP: Journal of Postcolonial Studies (journal)

full name / name of organization: 
Nicola Nixon
contact email: 

Postcolonial Studies welcomes original and challenging contributions
from all over the world, informed by a variety of theoretical
perspectives, including postmodernism, marxism, feminism and queer
theory. Its aim is to generate a productive dialogue and exchange
between theorists and writers in disparate locations. All work submitted
will be refereed by a range of international readers and editors. In
addition to longer 7000 and 9000 word papers, we welcome photographic
essays, review articles and collaborative essays.

Submissions will be accepted by email as an attachment in Word 6.0 or
later program to: Nicola Nixon (

On a covering page, full names of the authors and the submission's title
should be given, together with a correspondence address, a short
biographical note (50 words) and, where possible, a contact fax number,
telephone number and e-mail address. The submission proper should bear
no identifying details other than the title of the submission. In
addition, three hard copies of the article, double-spaced throughout
(including quotations and footnotes) on single sides of opaque paper,
should be sent to:

Nicola Nixon, Assistant Editor, Postcolonial Studies, Institute of
Postcolonial Studies, 78-80 Curzon Street, Nth Melbourne, VIC 3051,

         From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                       Full Information at
          or write Erika Lin:
Received on Fri Aug 29 2003 - 10:51:26 EDT