CFP: Book Culture in Composition Studies (1/15/04; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
Peter Vandenberg
contact email: 

Original essays examining the emergence, evolution, and consequences of
book publishing in composition studies are sought for a collection titled
_Book Culture in Composition Studies_. The editors are interested in
contributions that address the rise of the book in composition scholarship
from theoretical perspectives (e.g., materialist, feminist,
multicultural), various locations in the academic hierarchy (e.g.,
graduate students, adjunct faculty, tenure-track and tenured faculty) and
the publishing industry (commercial and academic presses), and in relation
to composition's institutional, departmental, and disciplinary history.
Possible topics might include the following: book culture and the
teaching/research binary; books as material social practice; the effect of
book culture on academic journals; books and tenure requirements; local
and/or disciplinary definitions of "the book"; book culture and
alternative discourses; the role of edited collections in composition
studies; the politics of university and commercial presses; the incredible
shrinking academic book; book culture and the dissertation; the nature of
book reviewing in composition studies; book culture and digital
scholarship; book culture and academic power relations; and composition's
book culture as an expression of wider developments in the Humanities.
Send one copy of a 1 pg., single-spaced proposal, or full-length essay, by
January 15, 2004 to Peter Vandenberg, Department of English, DePaul
University, McGaw Hall, Chicago, IL 60614; and to Laura Micciche,
Department of English, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC 27858.
Send queries to or

Peter Vandenberg
Associate Professor
Department of English
DePaul University
McGaw Hall
802 W. Belden Ave
Chicago, IL 60614
773 325 1795
fax: 773 325 7328

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Received on Sun Sep 14 2003 - 17:39:13 EDT