CFP: Modernism's Jews/Jewish Modernisms (9/1/04; journal issue)
_Modern Fiction Studies_ invites submissions for a special issue on
"Modernism's Jews / Jewish Modernisms" guest edited by Maren Linett. We seek
essays focusing on the period 1890 - 1939 that analyze inscriptions of
Jewish "difference" in fiction, film, and other forms of narrative or
examine the ways Jewish writers and critics negotiated literary and social
terrains. Essays might, for example, trace the aesthetic or political work
accomplished by representations of Jewishness in particular texts; map
intersections among disparate cultural and linguistic contexts; consider
what it means to read prewar texts from our post-Shoah vantage point; or ask
how responses to Jewish difference animated--or indeed helped
produce--modernism's varied self-conceptions. Because Jews were often seen
as distinct from their compatriots in terms of race, religion, gender,
nation, and class, analyzing their complex positionings sharpens our
understanding of the ways in which these categories were and are mutually
constitutive. "The new Jewish cultural studies" (as Daniel and Jonathan
Boyarin call it) is thus poised to contribute significantly to the study of
early 20th-century culture.
Essays should be full-length (6000-9000 words) and use MLA-style citations.
Please submit two copies of your essay by September 1, 2004 to The Editors,
_Modern Fiction Studies_, Department of English, Purdue University, 500
Oval Dr., West Lafayette, IN 47907-2038. Queries should be directed to Maren
Linett (
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Erika Lin:
Received on Fri Sep 19 2003 - 13:00:38 EDT