CFP: Recent African Poetry (1/30/04; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
Oyeniyi Okunoye
contact email: 


Recent African Poetry

Recent appraisals of African writing have not paid adequate attention to
poetry as a genre. This creates a space for an urgent critical
intervention. Essays intended for an international audience are therefore
solicited for inclusion in a collection of essays tentatively entitled
Reading Contemporary African Poetry .The book is to bring together
innovative but readable explorations of recent African poetry of English

The editor welcomes well-researched essays aimed at (re)reading
established and emergent African poets and poetic traditions. Contributors
are at liberty to explore any aspect of recent African poetry, including
excavations of indigenous forms and conventions, national and/regional
trends and traditions, exilic poetry, prison poetry, generational mapping,
(en)gendered concerns, inter-textual concerns, contested canons,
representation of dictatorships, formal subversions, the oral/written
interface, post-apartheid writing, defence and promotion of human rights,
self-inscription and the censored imagination.

Submissions should be between fifteen and twenty-five pages, although
longer contributions will be accepted in exceptional circumstances.
Contributors are encouraged but not necessarily bound to adopt the MLA
format in preparing their essays, and submissions can initially be made
either electronically or in two hard copies. Even though the deadline for
submissions is January 30, 2004, the editor welcomes early submissions and

All contributions should be sent to:
 Dr. Oyeniyi Okunoye,

Department of English,

Obafemi Awolowo University,

Ile –Ife ,Nigeria.

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          or write Erika Lin:
Received on Fri Sep 19 2003 - 17:37:59 EDT
