CFP: Literary London: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Representation of London (2/1/04; e-journal)
The Literary London Journal is pleased to announce publication of the =
second edition of the Journal and to invite submissions for the=20
third issue which will be published on 15th March 2004. The deadline for =
submissions to be considered for this issue is 1st February=20
2004. The current issue is now online at and =
Nick Bentley, 'Writing 1950s London: Narrative Strategies in Colin =
MacInnes's City of Spades and Absolute Beginners'
Robert Bond, 'Wide Boys Always Work: Iain Sinclair and the 'London =
Proletarian Novel''
Michael Sayeau, 'The Voice of the Plague: Disorder, Order, and Talk In =
Daniel Defoe's A Journal of the Plague Year'=20
Chlo=EB Th=E9ault, 'The historical myth of London during the 1930's'=20
Susie Thomas, 'Posing as a Postmodernist: Race and Class in Martin Amis's =
London Fields'=20
Lara Whelan, 'Unburying Bits of Rubbish: Deconstruction of the Victorian =
Suburban Ideal'=20
Christiane Schlote 'An Interview with Hanan al-Shaykh, author of Only in =
Plus review articles.
'Literary London: Interdisciplinary studies in the representation of =
London' is the first and only e-journal to provide a common forum for =
scholars and students engaged specifically in the study of London and =
literature. It is dedicated to fostering an intellectual community that =
will facilitate interdisciplinary exchange. While the editorial focus of =
the journal will be on representations of London in literature, articles =
in cognate disciplines that will contribute to readings of London are very =
much encouraged. These subject areas might include readings of London in =
history, drama, film, geography, art history, architecture, urban =
sociology, painting and engraving, etc. Literary London the journal is =
published twice a year in March and September.=20
The Journal is mutually supportive of the annual conference of the same =
Submission guidelines and other information can be found at the website.=20=
All submissions and submission queries should be written care of=20, or by post to:=20
The Literary London Journal,
Department of English Literature,
Liverpool Hope University College,
Hope Park,
L16 9JD.
Telephone: +44 0151 291 3560
FAX +44 0151 3160 7453
Web site:
Dr Lawrence Phillips,
Lecturer in English Literature/Editor, Literary London Journal
Department of English,
Liverpool Hope University College,
Hope Park,
L16 9JD
Tel. 0151 2913560
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Erika Lin:
Received on Sun Sep 21 2003 - 15:43:33 EDT