CFP: Rewritings (4/15/04; e-journal issue)
LISA E-Journal is inviting contributions to an issue on « Rewritings ».
The rewriting of texts (novels, of course, but also plays, poems, fairy
tales….), is a phenomenon which seems to have been gaining ground since the
end of the XXth century, but in fact it goes beyond the notions of genres,
periods and nationalities. First a definition of rewriting will be
necessary: between intertextual allusions and mere plagiarism, where is this
literary strategy to be found? Why are some writers (and sometimes among the
very best) so fascinated by their cultural inheritance that they do not
hesitate in reinvesting it in different ways: sequels, diverging points of
views on the same story, filling up the narrative blanks left by the
original text… Is the rewriting of literary history, and even perhaps of
History itself, a way for writers who are dissatisfied with their own times
to withdraw into themselves or is it nothing but the shameless exploitation
of the heritage left by their famous ancestors? Or on the contrary does it
entail the opening up of the literary canon to a necessarily more modern
interpretation? Making new stories out of old tales, a difficult exercise if
there is one, is perhaps at the very heart of literary creation.
All contributions in French or English should be submitted by April 15,
2004. (They should be preceded by an abstract of 10 to 15 lines).
Contributions accepted for this project will be reviewed by at least two
reviewers with the understanding that the materials have not been submitted
to and accepted by another journal. All submissions should be double-spaced,
and conform to the MLA style. Articles should not exceed 20 pages (5.000
words) in length, excluding notes and references. For other details, please
check on LISA e-journal's web-site:
Contact : Isabelle Roblin (
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Erika Lin:
Received on Sun Sep 21 2003 - 15:40:46 EDT