
displaying 76 - 82 of 82

CFP: Harold Bloom (ASAP; collection)

Monday, September 8, 2003 - 3:20am
Chris Hamilton-Emery

Due to some administrative difficulties could anyone who had responded Roy
Sellars call for papers on the work of Harold Bloom, dating back to January
1998, please forward their abstracts or contributions to me, Chris
Hamilton-Emery at cemery_at_saltpublishing.com.

Best wishes

Chris Hamilton-Emery
Salt Publishing
PO Box 937, Great Wilbraham PDO
Cambridge, CB1 5JX, UK

tel: +44 (0)1223 880929 (direct and voicemail)
mobile: 07799 054889
email: cemery_at_saltpublishing.com
web: http://www.saltpublishing.com

CFP: Harold Bloom (ASAP; collection)

Monday, September 8, 2003 - 3:20am
Chris Hamilton-Emery

Due to some administrative difficulties could anyone who had responded Roy
Sellars call for papers on the work of Harold Bloom, dating back to January
1998, please forward their abstracts or contributions to me, Chris
Hamilton-Emery at cemery_at_saltpublishing.com.

Best wishes

Chris Hamilton-Emery
Salt Publishing
PO Box 937, Great Wilbraham PDO
Cambridge, CB1 5JX, UK

tel: +44 (0)1223 880929 (direct and voicemail)
mobile: 07799 054889
email: cemery_at_saltpublishing.com
web: http://www.saltpublishing.com

CFP: Jack Kerouac's _On the Road_ (11/15/03; collection)

Monday, September 8, 2003 - 2:38am
Robert Holton

CFP: Jack Kerouac’s On the Road (11/15/03;collection)

Submissions are invited for a collection of new essays on Jack Kerouac’s
On the Road. It will soon be 50 years since the novel was first
published and this volume will represent the state of current and
emerging scholarship. I have already discussed this general proposal
with an academic press and am encouraged by the response. Proposals
(500 words), accompanied by a CV, should be received by November 15,
2003. Completed essays should be about 25 pages in length. Proposals
and inquiries should be sent to robert_holton_at_carleton.ca.

Robert Holton
Department of English
Carleton University
Ottawa, Canada
