CFP: Cross-Cultural Expressions of Spirituality (1/31/04; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
BioDun Ogundayo

Recent events have led to reappraisals of religion and spirituality.
This creates an opportunity to collect in one volume the different and
differing perspectives and interpretations of what it means to be
religious or spiritual today. Essays intended for an international
audience are therefore solicited for inclusion in a collection
tentatively entitled "Uniqueness and Versatility: Cross-Cultural
Expressions of Spirituality". The book is to bring together innovative
but readable explorations of religious, mythological, cosmological and
theological texts.

The editor welcomes well-researched essays aimed at (re)reading
established and emergent voices in the mentioned areas. Contributors
are at liberty to explore any aspect of spirituality, culture and
religion reflecting their academic and scholarly orientations.
Contributions on the themes such as spiritual awakening, God, ecstasy,
super-fear, education, women's spirituality, non-Western traditions,
esotericism and the like are welcome.

Submissions should be between fifteen and twenty-five pages, although
longer contributions will be accepted in exceptional circumstances.
Contributors are encouraged but not necessarily bound to adopt the MLA
format in preparing their essays, and submissions can initially be made
either electronically or in two hard copies. Even though the deadline
for submissions is January 31,2004, the editor welcomes early
submissions and enquiries.

All contributions should be sent to:

Dr. 'BioDun J. Ogundayo
Humanities Division
University of Pittsburgh
Bradford Campus
300 Campus Drive
Bradford, PA 16701

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Received on Wed Oct 01 2003 - 20:07:41 EDT