CFP: Literature and Ethics (12/15/03; collection)
"Literature and Ethics: This is an open call for submission proposals
focusing on any of the sub-topics of literature and ethics presented
below for a collection to be published in the fall of 2004. The
objective of the proposed study is to reassess the place of ethics in
literary studies and present and differentiate the many different
issues currently being addressed under the broadly conceived rubric of
Literature and Ethics.
Ethics and historical approaches to literature
The ethos of the text
Ethics and the reader
Literary criticism and ethics
Postcolonial studies and ethics
Cultural studies and ethics
MLA format is requested. Submission length 3000-7000 words. Proposal
deadline December 15, 2003. Submission deadline May 15, 2004. All
proposals/submissions should include the name, address, email, and
phone number of the submitter/author and should be sent to"
Address: Visiting address:
Anna Fahraeus
Gothenburg University Humanisten, Renstr=F6msgatan 6.
English Department =09
Box 200
SE-405 30 G=F6teborg Phone: + 46 - (0)31 - 773 1780
Sweden Fax: + 46 - (0)31 - 773 4726
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Erika Lin:
Received on Wed Oct 01 2003 - 20:14:22 EDT