CFP: Multiple Literatures in America (grad) (12/1/03; e-journal issue)
CFP: Xchanges (on-line journal)
From: Julianne Newmark, Editor (
Date: 17 October 2003
Submission Due Date: December 1, 2003
***Call for Papers***
Issue 3.2: =93Multiple Literatures in America: Hybrid, Homogeneous, or=20=
The third open issue of Xchanges, an electronic journal focusing on=20
interdisciplinary exchange between all areas of the humanities, will=20
appear in February 2004. Xchanges is a component of the Y/X Project of=20=
the American Studies Program at Wayne State University and is made=20
possible by the Rushton Endowment. Xchanges solicits work from scholars=20=
on the graduate level and is also eager to include exceptional papers by=20=
upper-level undergraduate students. The editor of the journal is=20
Julianne Newmark and the technical editor and webmaster is Joy Burnett. =20=
The journal is available at
The editors invite submissions of scholarly articles (up to 4000 words)=20=
on any theme relating to =93Multiple Literatures in America: Hybrid,=20
Homogeneous, or Hegemonic?=94 We encourage scholars from all=20
humanities-related fields to submit work. Scholars from certain=20
branches of the social sciences may also find the journal well-suited to=20=
their interests.
Xchanges is a blind, peer-review journal. Each submission is reviewed=20=
by three reviewers, each a specialist in the field in which the paper=20
was submitted. Xchanges either accepts or denies submissions; there is=20=
no opportunity for revision and resubmission. Scholars who hope to=20
publish will find Xchanges an innovative forum for scholarly work and=20
will be pleased with the quick reply-time for submissions. We either=20
accept or deny submissions within two months of the submission deadline;=20=
the journal is published within three months of the submission deadline.=20=
Each calendar year, two issues of Xchanges are produced.
The deadline for submissions for the February 2004 issue is Monday, 1=20
December, 2003. Material submitted for possible publication should be=20=
sent to Xchanges on disk (in MS Word or WordPerfect for PC or Mac, or as=20=
an ASCII file), or as an email attachment.
Direct electronic correspondence, including submissions, to Technical=20
Editor Joy Burnett:
Direct postal service correspondence, including submissions on disk, to:
Julianne Newmark, Xchanges Editor =09
English Department =09
Wayne State University
51 W. Warren
Detroit, MI 48202
tel: (313) 577-3068
For further information on the Xchanges journal, and for complete=20
submission and journal guidelines, please visit the Xchanges website at=20=
For information regarding the American Studies Program at Wayne State=20
University and the Y/X Project, including the annual conference, please=20=
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Erika Lin:
Received on Fri Oct 17 2003 - 14:20:41 EDT