CFP: Postmodern Culture: Call For Reviews (11/15/03; journal issue)
Postmodern Culture Call for Reviews: Deadline 15 November 2003
_Postmodern Culture_ is looking for reviews of recent books, films, CDs,
plays, TV shows, concerts, sporting events, performances, exhibitions,
conferences and conventions, happenings, and so forth, for the January
2004 issue. Reviews should be approximately 2000-3500 words long and
should follow the journal's format guidelines below.
For the upcoming January 2004 issue, reviews should be submitted by 15
November. A selection will be made at that time. All correspondence will
be answered and all submissions will be given careful consideration. We
regret that we are unable to provide review copies to our reviewers.
The current issue of _Postmodern Culture_ is available on the web at
Formatting guidelines and a list of suggested titles are to be found below.
Send reviews, proposals, or queries to Paula Geyh at
Reviewers are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the journal and its
review section in particular before submitting reviews. The current issue
of _Postmodern Culture_ can be accessed on the Web at
You can save us a good deal of work by following these guidelines:
Reviews should generally run between 2000 and 3500 words, or about 8-14
ordinary manuscript pages. Each review should be accompanied by a brief
(3-5 line) bio of the reviewer.
Set margins to half-inch left, two-inch right, and set your font to Courier
10cpi (or any 10cpi, non-proportional font). This is very important, as it
prevents too many characters on a line. Macintosh/Apple users, however,
should use Times Roman (or something similar) rather than
Courier, which creates glitches when read by PCs.
Put a title at the top of the first page, and under it your name,
institutional affiliation, email address, a fax number at which you can be
reached, and mailing address. Center these lines.
Below this, indicate the work reviewed as follows:
Review of
Author, _title_. City: Publisher, Date.
Indent (to 1") the first line of each paragraph and all lines of set-off
Single-space the document, but use double spacing between paragraphs.
Use _this_ for underlining titles, *this* for bold print or emphasis,
%this% for foreign words, and ^this^ for superscript. Notes should be
indicated in the text by ^1^ (and so on), and then again, at the end of the
document, by ^1^ (and so on), followed by the text of the notes themselves.
Footnotes created using word-processing commands will not transfer into our
Footnotes and Works Cited page, if any, should follow MLA format.
Page references in the text, if any, should not be preceded by p., pp., or
any other notation; use just the page number itself.
Send your submission to the review editor, Paula Geyh, by e-mail to, not to the _PMC_ offices. Submissions should be sent as
e-mail attachments in either Word or Word Perfect (if using some other
word-processing program, save the document in ASCII).
SOME SUGGESTED TITLES (by no means exhaustive or exclusive):
Recent films from First Run/Icarus, including _Milles Gilles_ (on Deleuze),
_Culture Jam_, _Cul de Sac_, and _Power and Terror_ (Chomsky)
Alberro, Alexander and Patricia Norvell, eds., _Recording Conceptual Art_
(U of California P, 2001).
Allan, Graham, and Graham Crow, _Families, Households and Society_
(Palgrave, 2001).
Allen, Chadwick, _Blood Narrative: Indigenous Identity in American Indian
and Maori Literary and Activist Texts_ (Duke UP, 2002).
Asad, Talal, _Formations of the Secular: Christianity, Islam, Modernity_
(Stanford UP, 2003).
Ashcroft, Bill, _Post-Colonial Transformations_ (Routledge, 2001).
Baker, Keith Michael and Peter Hans Reill, eds., _What's Left of
Enlightenment?_ (Stanford UP, 2001).
Baudrillard, Jean and Jean Nouvel, _The Singular Objects of Architecture_
(U of Minnesota P, 2002).
Beaulieu, Jill, and Mary Roberts, eds. _Orientalism's Interlocutors:
Painting, Architecture, Photography_ (Duke UP, 2002).
Belasco, Warren and Philip Scranton, _Food Nations: Selling Taste in
Consumer Society_ (Routledge, 2001).
Benthien, Claudia, _Skin: On the Cultural Border Between Self and World_
(Columbia UP, 2002).
Bernstein, David W. and Christopher Hatch, eds., _Writings through John
Cage's Music, Poetry, and Art_ (U of Chicago P, 2001).
Berry, Chris, et al., eds., _Mobile Cultures: New Media in Queer Asia_
(Duke UP, 2003).
Blanchot, Maurice, _The Book to Come_ (Stanford UP, 2003).
Brottman, Mikita, ed., _Car Crash Culture_ (Palgrave, 2001).
Bruzzi, Stella and Pamela Church Gibson, _Fashion Cultures: Theories,
Explorations and Analysis_ (Routledge, 2001).
Burnham, Van, _Supercade: A Visual History of the Videogame Age
1971-1984_(MIT P, 2001).
Burt, Richard, ed., _Shakespeare after Mass Media_ (Palgrave, 2002).
Castaneda, Claudia, _Figurations: Child, Bodies, Worlds_ (Duke UP, 2003).
Cazdyn, Eric, _The Flash of Capital: Film and Geopolitics in Japan_ (Duke
UP, 2002).
Chambers, Iain, _Culture After Humanism: History, Culture,
Subjectivity_(Routledge, 2001).
Chanter, Tina. _Time, Death, and the Feminine: Levinas with
Heidegger_(Stanford UP, 2001).
Chapman, James, _Saints and Avengers: British Adventure Series of the
1960s_ (I.B. Tauris, 2002).
Chuh, Kandice, _Imagine Otherwise: on Asian Americanist Critique_ (Duke UP,
Cixous, Helene and Jacques Derrida, _Veils_ (Stanford UP, 2001).
Connell, John and Chris Gibson, _Soundtracks: Popular Music, Identity and
Place_ (Routledge, 2002).
Corner, John, and Sylvia Harvey, eds., _Television Times: A Reader_
(Arnold, 1996).
Cruz-Malave, Arnaldo and Martin Manalansan, eds., _Queer Globalizations:
Citizenship and the Afterlife of Colonialism_ (New York University P, 2002).
Damisch, Hubert, _Skyline: The Narcissistic City_ (Stanford UP, 2001).
Davies, Alistair and Alan Sinfield, eds., _British Culture of the
Postwar_(Routledge, 2001).
Davis, Lennard J., _Bending Over Backwards: Essays on Disability and the
Body_ (New York University P, 2002).
De Alba, Alicia Gaspar, ed., _Velvet Barrios: Popular Culture and
Chicana/o Sexualities_ (Palgrave Macmillan, 2003).
Derrida, Jacques, _Negotiations: Interventions and Interviews, 1971-2001_
(Stanford UP, 2002).
Derrida, Jacques, _Without Alibi_ (Stanford UP, 2002).
Doody, Terrence, _Among Other Things: A Description of the Novel_
(Louisiana State UP, 1998).
Dyens, Ollivier, _Metal and Flesh: The Evolution of Man: Technology Takes
Over_ (MIT P, 2001).
Elliott, Anthony, _Psychoanalytic Theory: An Introduction. Second
Edition_(Duke UP, 2002).
Elliott, Emory et al., eds., _Aesthetics in a Multicultural Age_ (Oxford
UP, 2002).
Frosh, Stephen, _Afterwords: The Personal in Gender, Culture and
Psychotherapy_ (Palgrave, 2002)
Gallop, Jane, _Anecdotal Theory_ (Duke UP, 2002).
Garber, Marjorie and Nancy J. Vickers, eds., _The Medusa Reader_(Routledge,
Gasché, Rodolphe, _The Idea of Form: Rethinking Kant's Aesthetics_(Stanford
UP, 2003)
Ginzburg, Carlo, _Wooden Eyes: Nine Reflections on Distance_ (Columbia UP,
Grau, Oliver, _Virtual Art: From Illusion to Immersion_ (MIT P, 2003).
Han, Beatrice, Foucault's Critical Project: Between the Transcendental and
the Historical_ (Stanford UP, 2002).
Harvey, David, _Spaces of Capital: Towards a Critical Geography_
(Routledge, 2001).
Highmore, Ben, _Everyday Life and Cultural Theory_ (Routledge, 2001).
Highmore, Ben, _The Everyday Life Reader_ (Routledge, 2001).
Hills, Matthew, _Fan Cultures_ (Routledge, 2002).
Hjort, Mette and Scott MacKenzie, eds., _Purity and Provocation: Dogme 95_
(BFI, Oxford U P, 2003).
Hocks, Mary E. and Michelle R. Kendrick, eds., Eloquent Images: Word and
Image in the Age of New Media_ (MIT P, 2003).
Hodgson, Dorothy, ed., _Gendered Modernities: Ethnographic
Perspectives_(Palgrave, 2001).
Huggan, Graham, _The Postcolonial Exotic: Marketing the Margins_(Routledge,
Hurliman, Lesha and Numsiri Kunakemakorn, eds.,
_WithoutCovers://literary_magazines @the_digital_edge_ (Purdue UP, 2002).
Huyssen, Andreas, _Present Pasts: Urban Palimpsests and the Politics of
Memory_ (Stanford UP, 2003).
Irigaray, Luce, _To Speak is Never Neutral_ (Routledge, 2002).
Israel, Nico, _Outlandish: Writing Between Exile and Diaspora_ (Stanford
UP, 2000).
Jenkins, Henry et al., eds., _Hop On Pop: The Politics and Pleasures of
Popular Culture_(Duke UP, 2002).
Jones, Suzanne, and Sharon Monteith, _South to a New Place: Region,
Literature, Culture_ (Louisiana State UP, 2002).
Kahn, Douglas, _Noise, Water, Meat: A History of Sound in the Arts_ (MIT P,
Kane, Daniel, _All Poets Welcome: The Lower East Side Poetry Scene in the
1960s_ (Oxford UP, 2003).
Kinder, Marsha, ed., _Kids' Media Culture_ (Duke UP, 1999).
Knight, Arthur, _Disintegrating the Musical: Black Performance and American
Musical Film_ (Duke UP, 2002).
Knight, Peter, _Conspiracy Culture: From Kennedy to 'The
X-Files'_(Routledge, 2001).
Knight, Peter, ed., _Conspiracy Nation: The Politics of Paranoia in Postwar
America_ (New York University P, 2002).
Kristeva, Julia, _Intimate Revolt: The Powers and Limits of
Psychoanalysis_ (Columbia UP, 2002).
Lancaster, Roger N., _The Trouble with Nature: Sex in Science and Popular
Culture_ (Oxford UP, 2003).
Law, John, _Aircraft Stories: Decentering the Object in Technoscience_(Duke
UP, 2002).
Law, John and Annemarie Mol, eds., _Complexities: Social Studies of
Knowledge Practices_ (Duke UP, 2002).
Levin, Thomas Y., Ursula Frohne, and Peter Weibel, _CTRL [SPACE]: Rhetorics
of Surveillance from Bentham to Big Brother_ (MIT P, 2002).
Levinson, Brett, _The Ends of Literature: The Latin American "Boom" in the
Neoliberal Marketplace_ (Stanford UP, 2001).
Liestol, Gunnar, Andrew Morrison, and Terje Rasmussen, eds., _Digital Media
Revisited: Theoretical and Conceptual Innovations in Digital Domains_ (MIT
P, 2003).
Lotringer, Sylvere and Sande Cohen, eds., _French Theory in
America_(Routledge, 2001).
Loviglio, Jason and Michele Hilmes, eds., _Radio Reader: Essays in the
Cultural History of Radio_ (Routledge, 2001).
Lovink, Geert, Dark Fiber: Tracking Critical Internet Culture_ (MIT P,
Luhmann, Niklas, _Theories of Distinction: Redescribing the Descriptions of
Modernity_ (Stanford U P, 2002).
Margulies, Ivone, ed., _Rites of Realism: Essays on Corporeal Cinema_ (Duke
UP, 2003).
Massumi, Brian, ed., _A Shock to Thought: Expressions After Deleuze and
Guattari_ (Routledge, 2001).
Mattessich, Stefan, _Lines of Flight: Discursive Time and Countercultural
Desire in the Work of Thomas Pynchon_ (Duke UP, 2003).
McGann, Jerome, _Radiant Textuality: Literature After the World Wide Web_
(Palgrave, 2001).
McKenzie, Jon, _Perform or Else: From Discipline to Performance_
(Routledge, 2001).
Mendieta, Eduardo, ed., _Latin American Philosophy_ (Indiana UP, 2003).
Meyer, Richard, _Outlaw Representation: Censorship and Homosexuality in
Twentieth-Century American Art_ (Oxford UP, 2001).
Mohanty, Chandra Talpade, _Feminism Without Borders_ (Duke UP, 2003).
Moore, Donald S., et al., eds., _Race, Nature, and the Politics of
Difference_ (Duke UP, 2003).
Munck, Ronaldo. _Marx @ 2000: Late Marxist Perspectives_ (Zed Books, 2002).
Napier, Susan J., _Anime from Akira to Princess Mononoke: Experiencing
Contemporary Japanese Animation_ (Palgrave, 2001).
Natoli, Joseph, _Postmodern Journeys: Film and Culture 1996-1998_ (SUNY P,
Nel, Philip, _The Avant-Garde and American Postmodernity: Small Incisive
Shocks_ (UP of Mississippi, 2002).
O'Hara, Daniel, _Empire Burlesque: The Fate of Critical Culture in Global
America_ (Duke UP, 2003).
Pisters, Patricia, ed., _Gilles Deleuze: Micro-politics of Audiovisual
Culture_ (U of Michigan P, 2001)
Pomerance, Murray, ed., _Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls: Gender in
Film at the End of the Twentieth Century_ (SUNY P, 2001).
Rabaté, Jean-Michel, _Jacques Lacan: Psychoanalysis and the Subject of
Literature_ (Palgrave, 2001).
Rajan, Rajeswari Sunder, _The Scandal of the State_ (Duke UP, 2003).
Rand, Richard, ed., _Futures of Jacques Derrida_ (Stanford UP, 2001_.
Rasch, William, _Niklas Luhmann's Modernity_ (Stanford UP, 2000).
Rosen, Philip, _Change Mummified: Cinema, Historicity, Theory_(U of
Minnesota P, 2001).
Royle, Nicholas, ed., _Deconstructions: A User's Guide_ (Palgrave, 2000).
Sanders, Mark, _Complicities: The Intellectual and Apartheid_ (Duke UP,
Santiago, Silviano, _The Space In-Between: Essays on Latin American
Culture_ (Duke UP, 2002).
Sarker, Sonita and Esha Niyogi De, eds., _Trans-Status Subjects: Gender in
the Globalization of South and Southeast Asia_ (Duke UP, 2003).
Sato, Barbara, _The New Japanese Woman_ (Duke UP, 2003).
Shaw, Jeffrey and Peter Weibel, eds., _Future Cinema: The Cinematic
Imaginary After Film_ (MIT P, 2003).
Shimakawa, Karen, _National Abjection: The Asian American Body
Onstage_(Duke U P, 2003).
Simpson, David, _Situatedness, or, Why We Keep Saying Where We're Coming
From_ (Duke UP, 2002).
Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty, _Death of a Discipline_ (Columbia UP, 2003).
Tabbi, Joseph, _Cognitive Fictions_ (U of Minnesota P, 2002).
Terada, Rei, _Feeling in Theory: Emotion after the "Death of the Subject"_
(Harvard UP, 2001).
Tofts, Darren, Annemarie Jonson, and Alessio Cavallaro, eds., _Prefiguring
Cyberculture: An Intellectual History_ (MIT P, 2003).
Thrift, Nigel and John May, eds., _Timespace: Geographies of Temporality_
(Routledge, 2001).
Warner, Michael, _Publics and Counter Publics_ (Zone/MIT P, 2002).
West, Harry G, and Todd Sanders, eds., _Transparency and Conspiracy:
Ethnographies of Suspicion in the New World Order_ (Duke UP, 2003).
Williams, Gareth, _The Other Side of the Popular: Neoliberalism and
Subalternity in Latin America_ (Duke UP, 2002).
Yau, Esther C.M., ed., _At Full Speed: Hong Kong Cinema in a Borderless
World_ (U of Minnesota P, 2001).
Zahavi, Dan, _Husserl's Phenomenology_ (Stanford UP, 2003).
Zizek, Slavoj, _The Fright of Real Tears_ (BFI Publishing, 2001).
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Erika Lin:
Received on Fri Oct 17 2003 - 14:22:53 EDT