CFP: Taiwan Journal of English Literature
Taiwan Journal of English Literature
Taiwan Journal of English Literature is a literary journal jointly published
by the Department of English, National Chengchi University, and Crane
Publishing. Two issues per volume are published annually. The journal provides
a forum for the discussion of English literature and invites contributions in
all areas of British, American, and other English literary and cultural
studies. Formal book reviews and informal book announcements are also welcome.
The language of publication is English. Submissions are accepted throughout
the year. E-mail submissions are accepted at;
hardcopy submissions should be sent, in triplicate and a soft copy on disk,
Editors, Taiwan Journal of English Literature
The Department of English
National Chengchi University
64 Chih-nan Rd. Section 2
Wenshan District
Taipei, Taiwan 116, ROC
Visit for more information.
Taiwan Journal of English Literature
Notes for Contributors
E-mail submissions are accepted at or
hardcopy submissions may be sent, in triplicate and a soft copy on disk, to:
Editors, Taiwan Journal of English Literature
The Department of English
National Chengchi University
64 Chih-nan Rd. Section 2
Wenshan District
Taipei, Taiwan 116, ROC
Taiwan Journal of English Literature publishes one volume per year, with a
Spring issue and a Fall issue. Both Word (6.0 or above) and PDF files are
acceptable. A paper should not exceed 30 pages single-spaced. Manuscripts will
be sent to two reviewers immediately. The author(s) of each paper will receive
five copies of the journal issue when the paper is published.
1. Manuscripts submitted to Taiwan Journal of English Literature should follow
the style sheet of MLA Handbook (5th edition).
2. Use footnotes, not endnotes.
3. The font used is Times New Roman (12pt).
4. Use a separate sheet to include your name, title, affiliated institution,
and contact information (email).
5. Include a brief abstract of the paper.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Erika Lin:
Received on Fri Oct 17 2003 - 14:02:51 EDT