CFP: Antisemitism and Philosemitism (5/15/04; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
Lara Trubowitz
contact email: 

We invite essays and/or proposals for an edited collection on
interconnections between Philosemitism and Antisemitism in
twentieth-century American and British literature and culture. This volume
will focus on the use of the figure of the Jew and Jewishness in such
cultural expressions as literary and non-literary writing, art and museum
exhibitions, film, music, and theater. We expect these essays to question,
challenge, and redefine the terms philosemitism and antisemitism and to
complicate what are commonly assumed to be inherent tensions between them.
Essays might consider historical, political, or cultural intersections
between the terms, discuss the impact of antisemitic thinking on the
development of philosemitism, reevaluate earlier theories of antisemitism
and philosemitism, or examine the theoretical and political effects of
reassessing each term. Possible topics include: the development of
Holocaust monuments and their reception, Jews' affiliations with Socialism
and/or right-wing political platforms, Jewish jokes, messianic myths about
Jewish migration, the impact of new technologies on the dissemination of
antisemitism, and/or the role of antisemitism and philosemitism in
postmodern narratives and culture. We encourage essays that engage with
Gender Studies, Diaspora Studies, Postcolonial Studies, Intellectual
history, and newer cultural theories such as Cosmopolitanism. Other
approaches are also welcome. Three page proposals and/or essays in hard
copy (no email submissions accepted) of no more than 20 double-spaced
pages, including endnotes and bibliography, in 12 pt. font, should be
submitted to both editors by May 15th, 2004: Lara Trubowitz, 308 EPB,
Dept. of English, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242 and Phyllis
Lassner, Jewish Studies Program, Crowe Hall, Northwestern University,
Evanston, IL 60208.

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Received on Sun Oct 26 2003 - 22:57:35 EST