CFP: Critical Anthology on Race (12/20/03 & 7/2/04; collection)
Contested Again: Cultural, Historical, and Pedagogical Implications of Race
Call for Papers for a Critical Collection, by Valerie Kinloch and Jia-Yi
In this critical collection of essays, we seek submissions from passionately
engaged individuals to provide the academic and the public with new ways of
reading, understanding, teaching, or theorizing pedagogy on race. As Edward
Said points out, any form of intellectual work is always situated in the
world. Therefore, we are more interested in essays that aim at changing the
world instead of merely interpreting it. We welcome articles that present
unique and unconventional analytical parameters and critical angles,
especially those that localize race issues, transgress the rigid boundaries
of academic disciplines, and approach race from interdisciplinary
perspectives, as well as scholarship that pushes the focus of race issues
beyond the U. S. geo-political boundaries.
Possible topics, with no special preference in the listed order, can
* A literary and political space in which national culture, identity,
and hegemony are contested by the history and definition of race
* How the convergence of race with national culture and identity
impacts the existence of and the challenge to the canon
* How racial memory and history function as narrative strategies
* How racial conflict, embedded in national history, is socialized in
the context of the nation's cultural values
* How to engage race issues in the classroom that are not merely
re-producing an intellectual class whose expertise, as Edward Said points
out, "has usually been a service rendered, and sold, to the central
authority of society"
* What makes a (racial) experience historical and how race has been
essentialized and commodified in the academy, and what approaches can be
employed to challenge such construction and build a new paradigm in
addressing and teaching race
* Pedagogical approaches that help students position their
subjectivities in relation to their racial and ethnic communities through
racial memory and history, and in the context of U.S. cultural history
* Pedagogical approaches to addressing race issues with immigrant and
other-national histories
* A historically and culturally informed reading and teaching of race
or works that address race issues
* New Historical approaches in teaching race by discussing how social
conditions impinge on the texts addressing race
* The danger of addressing race in the political realm and/or in the
classroom and possible solutions
* Struggles with confronting the silences involved with teaching,
living, and/or talking about racial diversity in academic and nonacademic
* Ways of engaging in conversations with language as an agency of
power through issues of race
Please submit, in electronic format in MS Word, a 500-word proposal/abstract
and a two-page CV to both Dr. Valerie Kinloch of Teachers College, Columbia
University at <> and Dr. Jia-Yi
Cheng-Levine of the University of Houston-Downtown at
<> . The deadline for proposals is December 20, 2003.
The deadline for completed articles is July 2, 2004. All submissions will be
acknowledged. The length for completed articles is between 4,000-6,000
words, including all notes and bibliographical information.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Erika Lin:
Received on Sun Oct 26 2003 - 22:57:33 EST