CFP: Canadian Small/Micropress Publishing (3/1/04; journal issue)
Friendships and Free Publications: a critical exploration of the rhizomic
nature of, and the gift economy known as, Canadian Small/Micropress
Dear colleagues, friends, writers,
Amidst the collapse of small press distribution, the gradual extinction of
independent bookstores, a seemingly apathetic public, and really cold
winters throughout most of the country, it seems somehow important to
examine the persistent existence of the small/micropress in Canada. Many
writers find their first publications of a substantial length with small or
micropresses, which can be an incredible asset along the way to theorizing a
larger project, or conceptualizing what it could be that turns a random
sequence of poems into a bound whole. Small and micropresses have proven to
be an active and enduring location for the erasure of the anxieties which
can accompany a widely distributed and marketed 'book', in this sense it
could be considered the non-site of Canadian publishing; an extremely active
space formerly believed to be void, Canada's very own evocative dark matter.
With this issue of 'Open Letter' we invite papers on all aspects of
small/micropress publishing in Canada with a specific interest in
contmporary (i.e. post-1980) presses, although we will be flexible on a
project by project basis. Possible topics include but are by no means
limited to: the economics of small/micropress publishing vs. larger press
publishing however that can be figured, interviews pertaining to
small/micropress publishing in Canada, the politics of small/micropress
publishing, a critical engagement with a specific press or presses or with a
specific period of time with a focus on small/micropress publishing. We
would like to stay away from memoirs, bibliographic studies of presses and
papers written by affiliates of the presses upon which an author is writing.
We ask for papers submitted to be double spaced, 12 pt times new roman or
equivalent, under 2500 words and saved as one of the following filetypes if
emailed or mailed on disk: .rtf, .txt, or .doc. Hard copies can be mailed to
either of the below addresses. The deadline for submissions is March 1st,
2004. We eagerly await your submissions.
With thanks,
Jason Christie and derek beaulieu
Jason Christie
1610 8th Avenue NW
Calgary, Alberta
T2N 4N4
derek beaulieu
c/o housepress
apt 205, 321 10th st NW
calgary alberta
canada t2n 1v7
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Erika Lin:
Received on Sun Nov 02 2003 - 14:27:37 EST