CFP: NEMLA Women's Caucus Paper Prize (11/30/03; journal)
NEMLA Women’s Caucus Best Essay Award
This award is offered for papers delivered in any panel at the 2003 NEMLA
Convention in Boston that used women’s-centered approaches (concentrating on
women characters or women authors, using feminist analysis). Papers should
be revised and expanded to a length of approximately 25 pages.
It is expected that the winning essay will be published in Modern Language
To submit a paper delivered at the NEMLA Boston 2003 conference, send an
attached copy of the essay without the author’s name to:
Noelle Carruggi:
The author’s name, address, and academic affiliation should appear on a
separate sheet. The deadline is November 30 2003.
The winner of the 2004 Prize will be announced at the 2004 Women’s Caucus
Breakfast in Pittsburgh.
Please submit only article length versions of papers delivered at the 2003
NEMLA Conference.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Erika Lin:
Received on Sun Nov 02 2003 - 14:18:38 EST