CFP: Queer Inquiry in Language Education (3/1/04; journal issue)
Journal of Language, Identity, and Education
Thomas Ricento and Terrence G. Wiley, Editors
Special topic issue: Queer inquiry in language education
Cynthia D. Nelson, Guest Editor
The Journal of Language, Identity and Education is seeking submissions
for a special topic issue that examines sexual identities within
language education (or language-in-education) contexts. This special
topic issue, entitled 'Queer inquiry in language education', will
provide a unique and timely forum for exploring questions such as:
* Has the proliferation of increasingly visible lesbian, gay,
bisexual, transgender and queer identities and communities led to
a re-thinking of language teaching practices?
* What challenges and opportunities arise for students, teachers,
teacher educators and other stakeholders in language or literacy
education when attempts are made to foster classroom inquiry about
sexual identities?
* How might queer theory be of use in moving beyond monosexual
pedagogies, especially in teaching contexts that are intercultural
and multilingual?
* How might these questions be addressed, or need to be reframed,
with reference to language-focused programs in regions of the
world that tend to be under-represented in literature on gay/queer
matters in education?
* What innovations in theory, pedagogy, policy or praxis are needed
in order to engage a range of sexual identities - both as subject
matter and as participant positionings - within language and
literacy programs?
The Journal of Language, Identity and Education invites contributions to
this special topic issue to be published in 2005. We are soliciting
papers that critically examine the domain of sexual identity within
second language, foreign language or literacy programs, or other
education programs in which language is a central focus. Papers may
engage with a diversity of teaching contexts and levels (e.g. primary,
secondary, tertiary, adult or community-based education), approaches to
knowledge production, and theoretical frameworks, though all papers are
expected to consider questions of identity, subjectivity or
representation as explored in queer theory or other frameworks
(poststructuralist, feminist, postcolonialist). Contributions from
nontraditional settings and under-represented scholarly circles are
We are currently soliciting two- to three-page abstracts for this issue.
(Brief proposals for book reviews are also welcome.) Send by e-mail or
snail mail two copies of the abstract and a brief (50-word) biographical
statement with a full mailing address, daytime/evening phone numbers,
and email address (if available). Abstracts should be mailed no later
than March 1, 2004 to the following address:
Dr Cynthia D. Nelson
English Language Study Skills Assistance Centre
University of Technology, Sydney
PO Box 123
Broadway NSW 2007 Australia
The Journal of Language, Identity and Education is published quarterly
by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. (see This international, interdisciplinary
journal is abstracted or indexed in EBSCOhostProducts; Linguistics and
Language Behavior Abstracts; Communication Abstracts; ERIC Current Index
to Journals in Education; Cabell's Directories.
--Dr Cynthia NelsonSenior Lecturer and Research CoordinatorEnglish Language Study Skills Assistance (ELSSA) CentreOffice of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education & Quality Enhancement)University of Technology, SydneyPO Box 123, Broadway NSW 2007 Australiaphone: +61 2 9514 2485 fax: +61 2 9514 2321email: =============================================== From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List Full Information at or write Erika Lin: ===============================================Received on Fri Nov 07 2003 - 16:18:10 EST