CFP: Star Trek Beyond the U.S. Frontier (12/15/03; collection)

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Call for Papers: Star Trek: Beyond the U.S. Frontier: International Visions of an American Cultural Icon

Apologies for cross-postings

A collection of essays edited by Caroline-Isabelle Caron (Queen's
University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada) and Djoymi Baker (Melbourne
University, Australia), Star Trek: Beyond the U.S. Frontier will present
new studies on perceptions and reception of this American cult television
franchise from an international perspective. The editors have already
collected several chapters studying Star Trek as viewed from outside the
United States of America, and in non-Anglophone cultural contexts. The
book has received interest from a major publisher. However, at this point
we are seeking to add two chapters, on Star Trek in Asia, South America or
Africa. Work on dubbed Star Trek texts in Japan and Brazil are
particularly sought, however other submissions will be considered and are
encouraged. Please submit a 500 word proposal to Caroline-Isabelle Caron
( or Djoymi Baker ( by
December 15, 2003. As negotiations are already under way with the
publisher, we would appreciate prompt expressions of interest. Please feel
free to distribute to interested parties.

         From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                       Full Information at
          or write Erika Lin:
Received on Sat Nov 15 2003 - 19:19:24 EST
