CFP: Science Studies and Science Fiction (1/10/04; collection)
Science Studies and Science Fiction
edited by Margret Grebowicz
This collection calls on specialists in science studies, broadly conceived,
to explore the implications of science fiction for their particular areas of
inquiry. Critical essays will explore the actual and potential roles of the
genre of science fiction in academic interrogations of the sciences, from
theoretical, pedagogical, and historical perspectives. I am soliciting
essays which address works of science fiction in any medium from any of the
following vantage points:
-philosophy of technology
-social studies of science (including critical race/queer/feminist
-history of science
-philosophy of biology
-environmental studies
-cognitive science/philosophy of psychology
-philosophy of physics
-metaphysics of time and probability
-science and public policy
Please send abstract (min. 500 words, e-mail is fine) and CV to the address
Abstract due date: January 10, 2004
Margret Grebowicz
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Department of Social Sciences
University of Houston-Downtown
Houston, TX 77002
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Erika Lin:
Received on Thu Nov 20 2003 - 21:52:51 EST