CFP: Teaching Short Fiction (2/29/04; journal issue)
Call for Papers: Teaching Short Fiction
Manuscripts are sought that address practical and/or theoretical
approaches to teaching the short story and other forms of short fiction.
These manuscripts will gladly be considered for inclusion in upcoming
issues of The Academic Exchange Quarterly, a peer-reviewed journal that
appears in both print and electronic versions and enjoys wide
Manuscripts in the fields of literary studies and creative writing, at
the high school to the university level, are equally welcome. Some areas
of particular interest are listed here, but submitted manuscripts that
address other areas of teaching the reading or writing of short fiction
will also be given careful consideration.
* Innovative techniques for teaching short fiction writing
* Strategies for teaching individual stories or collections of stories
* Reviews of resources (print, electronic, film, or other) for teaching
particular stories or collections of stories
* Strategies for designing high school or college courses around short
fiction (e.g. courses in American Literary History or Contemporary
Fiction that privilege the short story)
* Techniques for integrating creative writing into the literature
classroom (or literature into the creative writing classroom)
There is no restriction on the source language of the works and the
approaches that could be discussed, but submitted manuscripts should
ideally present ideas and practices that transcend the particulars of a
given story or set of stories.
Please identify your submission with keyword: FICTION
"Teaching Short Fiction" is an ongoing topic in The Academic
Exchange Quarterly; thus, the rolling submission deadlines match the
publication schedule of the quarterly journal. Manuscripts submitted by
the end of February 2004 and accepted for publication will appear in the
Summer 2004 issue (June 2004). Submissions after the end of February
2004 will be considered for later issues.
The guidelines for submitting essays of 3,000 words or less are
provided at the following addresses: or
For additional information, please contact the Subject Editor for
"Teaching Short Fiction":
James Kelley
Assistant Professor of English
Mississippi State University
Web version of the call for papers:
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Erika Lin:
Received on Thu Nov 27 2003 - 17:11:49 EST