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CFP: ANQ: Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes & Reviews (journal)

Friday, November 28, 2003 - 7:25am
Elizabeth Foxwell


_ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews_ welcomes
contributions of factual articles and notes based on new research in the
language and literature of the English-speaking world. Articles offering
only explications de texte are not appropriate. The subjects of recent
articles have ranged from _The Canterbury Tales_ to "The Cask of
Amontillado" to _A Clockwork Orange_.

Submission Details. Manuscripts must follow MLA style, including
parenthetical citations in text, endnotes rather than footnotes (if
required), and an alphabetized list of Works Cited, as described in the _MLA
Style Manual, 2nd ed._ (1998) by Joseph Gibaldi.

CFP: ANQ: Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes & Reviews (journal)

Friday, November 28, 2003 - 7:25am
Elizabeth Foxwell


_ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews_ welcomes
contributions of factual articles and notes based on new research in the
language and literature of the English-speaking world. Articles offering
only explications de texte are not appropriate. The subjects of recent
articles have ranged from _The Canterbury Tales_ to "The Cask of
Amontillado" to _A Clockwork Orange_.

Submission Details. Manuscripts must follow MLA style, including
parenthetical citations in text, endnotes rather than footnotes (if
required), and an alphabetized list of Works Cited, as described in the _MLA
Style Manual, 2nd ed._ (1998) by Joseph Gibaldi.