CFP: Emotional Household in Europe, 1400-1800 (4/10/04; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
Sue Broomhall

Call for Papers: The Emotional Household in Europe, 1400-1800

As part of an on-going Australian Research Council grant (2003-2007)
in History at The University of Western Australia, which explores
'Fragmented Families and Household Dynamics in Europe, 1400-1800',
the project team, Philippa Maddern, Pamela Sharpe, Susan Broomhall
and Stephanie Tarbin, is inviting papers to form part of an edited
collection of essays specifically examining affective relationships
within the household environment in Continental Europe from 1400 to

We are seeking essays which inform, and participate in, current
debates about methodological and theoretical approaches as to how to
uncover and explore affective relationships and emotional bonds
between household members. Essays may address such issues as what
kinds of affective relationships exist in the household, how are
these sustained while a variety of kin and non-related individuals
live under one roof, and what evidence do we have for their
continuation and maintenance beyond, or after individuals leave, the
household domain? How are such relationships affected by gender,
social, cultural, religious, geographical, economic, status and other
particular contexts? Households of all social levels are of interest.

Studies examining affective relationships beyond couples, parents and
children, and siblings, but which concern their relationships and
emotional bonds with (for example):
=85 Servants
=85 Lodgers
=85 Apprentices
=85 Wet-nursed elite, orphan or foundling children
=85 Nursed, disabled or elderly household residents
=85 Domestic pets
=85 Elite child boarders
=85 Step-families
as well as these individuals' relationships with each other within
the household space, would be of interest. Essays should preferably
demonstrate the methodological and theoretical possibilities for
exploring such issues through examination of particular case studies.
Other possibilities for essay scope can be considered however and we
encourage any scholar interested in the general aims of this
collection to contact us.

Please email or send a 300-word essay proposal as well as a brief
survey of your research publications and interests by April 10, 2004
to the collection editor:

Susan Broomhall

M208, School of Humanities
The University of Western Australia
35 Stirling Highway
Nedlands, WA 6907

=46ax: 61 08 9380 1069
--Dr Susan BroomhallARC Research FellowM204School of Humanities (History)The University of Western Australia35 Stirling Highway, Crawley, WA 6009Tel: 61 8 93802139=46ax: 61 8 University of Western Australia: CRICOS PROVIDER NO. 00126G =============================================== From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List Full Information at or write Erika Lin: ===============================================Received on Tue Dec 02 2003 - 21:17:42 EST