CFP: Languages and Changing Contexts: Sociolinguistic Perspectives (5/31/04; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Priya Narismulu
contact email: 

CFP: Languages and changing contexts: Sociolinguistic perspectives
(05/31/2004 journal issue)

Alternation, a peer-reviewed Sapse-accredited journal for the study of
Southern African literature and languages, invites submissions for a
special issue on Sociolinguistics.

The special issue will focus on:

Languages and changing contexts: Sociolinguistic perspectives

· Language, power and identity (gender/ race/
· Language and HIV/Aids
· Language contact phenomena
· Language variation
· Language and education
· Language planning, policy and rights
· Multilingualism and diglossia
· Language acquisition (L1, L2 and foreign)
· Theoretical/methodological challenges in Sociolinguistics
· Other language-related areas


Guidelines for Contributors
The covering page should contain the following information:

full name, address, e-mail address, position, department,
university/institution, telephone/fax numbers,
indicate which sub-area you are addressing,
a list of previous publications (postgraduate students are also welcome to
and a written statement that the manuscript has not been submitted to
another journal for publication.

Submit three printed copies of the manuscript and one computer-generated
copy on a stiffy in Word for Windows.

Manuscripts should be about 5000 words (preceded by a brief abstract) and
book reviews about 1000 words.

Use the Arial 12 point font, double spacing, 2cm margins, with only the
subheadings in bold.
Maps, diagrams and posters must be presented in print-ready form. Clear
black and white photos (postcard size) may also be submitted.

Use footnotes sparingly. In order to enhance the value of the interaction
between notes and text, the journal uses footnotes and not endnotes.

The full bibliographical details of sources are provided only once at the
end of the manuscript under References. References in the body of the
manuscript should follow the following convention: Mesthrie (2002:14) argues …
or, at the end of a reference/quotation: …. (Mesthrie 2002:14).
The full name or initials of authors as it appears in the source must be
used in the References section.

Review articles and book reviews must include a title as well as the
following information concerning the book reviewed: title, author, place of
publication, publisher, date of publication, number of pages and the ISBN

The format for the References section is as follows:

Kaschula, Russell, H. and Anthonissen, Christine. 1995. Communicating
across cultures in South Africa: Towards a critical language awareness.
Johannesburg: Witwatersrand University Press

Van Huyssteen, A. 2002. Multilingualism: An asset. In Owino, F.R. (ed):
Speaking African: African Languages for Education and Development. Cape
Town: CASAS. 149-159.

Kamwangamalu, Nkonko. M. 2001. Ethnicity and language crossing in
post-apartheid South Africa. International Journal of the Sociology of
Language. 152. 75-95.

Fanon, Frantz 1986. Black Skin, White" Masks. Markmann, Charles Lam
(trans). London: Pluto Press.

Submissions/enquiries to the editors:

Malini Ramsay-Brijball Priya Narismulu
tel: +27 031 204 4029 tel: +27 031 204 4517
fax: +27 031 204 4287/4490 fax: +27 031 204 4287/4490

Postal address:
School of Languages and Literature
University of KwaZulu-Natal
Private Bag X54001
Durban 4000
South Africa

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Received on Fri Dec 12 2003 - 19:32:04 EST