CFP: Teaching Appalachian Literature (2/7/04 & 8/7/04; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
Pat Gantt
contact email: 

Teaching Appalachian Literature: Collection-Proposal deadline:
February 7, 2004; Final Article due 8/7/04 (Patricia M. Gantt, Utah
State University, editor)

Please send proposals of approximately one page to be considered for an
edited collection on teaching Appalachian literature, a book that will
provide a practical guide for teachers and literary scholars. Completed
chapters must be submitted by August 7, 2004, in Word format. The
collection is already under contract with a major university press.
Proposals may be sent to All inquiries welcome.

         From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                       Full Information at
          or write Erika Lin:
Received on Fri Dec 12 2003 - 19:34:53 EST
