CFP: Living Forge 2: Rust Belt, Working Class Lit (4/1/04; journal)

full name / name of organization: 
Jonathan William Senchyne
contact email: 

        The editors of Living Forge, the literary and arts journal of the rust
belt, are proud to announce that they are accepting submissions for their
next issue. Living Forge publishes poetry, short fiction, creative
nonfiction, drama, essays, critical works, book reviews, and other artworks
that have life in the rust belt as their focus.

        Our first issue covered working class life and the history of labor in the
rust belt. We are certainly interested in maintaining a focus on this
subject matter, as it is integral to the study and appreciation of the rust
belt, but we would also like to expand our horizons in our next issue. We
welcome work of diverse subjects to Living Forge II including urban
planning, ecological sustainability, economics, “minority” life in rust belt
cities, or alternative narratives of work in the rust belt (feminine
narratives of labor, for example).

        Submissions are preferred online and can be sent in Microsoft Word (.doc)
format and as text in the body of an email to OR . Hard copies may be sent to Living Forge, Inc, 374
Delaware Avenue, Suite 200, Buffalo NY 14207.

The deadline for consideration for the Spring 2004 journal is April 1, 2004.

Questions can be directed to the editors at .

Please feel free to pass this on to interested parties.

Jonathan W. Senchyne
Editor, Living Forge

         From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
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          or write Erika Lin:
Received on Tue Dec 16 2003 - 22:47:54 EST
