CFP: Approaches to Bunyan (12/15/04; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Ken Simpson
contact email: 


Contributors are sought for a special issue of 1650-1850: Ideas,
Aesthetics, and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era that will feature 5-7
essays on John Bunyan. The theme is Approaches to Bunyan, and we hope to
present a broad range of voices, but essays that examine the
International Bunyan (Bunyan's reception throughout the world, Bunyan
and colonialism, Bunyan and reading communities, etc.) will be
especially welcome. Further details follow:

Length: 20 pages
Format: Chicago style; Wordperfect; electronic submission
Due Date: 15 December 2004
Expected Publication Date: 2005
Editor: Ken Simpson
                      Dept. of English
                      University College of the Cariboo
                      Kamloops, BC
                      V2C 5N3

Submit papers to with Approaches to Bunyan in the
subject line. All other inquiries should be sent directly to the editor.

         From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                       Full Information at
          or write Erika Lin:
Received on Tue Dec 23 2003 - 22:23:20 EST