CFP: Visual Representation and Ireland (5/31/04; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
Eoin Flannery
contact email: 

Call for Contributors for a collection of Essays on Visual Representation
and Ireland
tentatively titled:
'Ireland in Focus: Ireland and Visual Representation'

The collection is designed to cover all aspects of visual representation of,
from and about Ireland, historically and contemporaneously. There is a rich
and provocative history of iconography and visual imagery in Irish society
and this collection is aimed at foregrounding and interrogating its
differentiated manifestations and valences.
Contributors are encouraged to address:
The historical development of Irish film
Irish language film
Nationalist iconography
Political Murals
Contemporary visual art
Imperialism and visual representation.

Please submit complete essays or detailed (3-page) proposals and a CV by
May 31 2004. E-mail or hard copy submissions are acceptable.

Eóin Flannery.
Department of English,
Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick.

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Received on Wed Jan 14 2004 - 21:32:02 EST
