CFP: American Periodicals (4/30/04; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Jared Gardner
contact email: 

The editors of American Periodicals
invite contributions for a special issue planned for 2004 on the "state=20=

of the field" for periodical studies. Topics might include:

=95 theoretical approaches and interventions in periodical studies
=95 new archives, technologies and research methods
=95 visions of the future of the field
=95 periodical studies and book studies
=95 survey of current and recent dissertations in the field

Since much of periodical studies remains institutionally scattered in=20
Journalism, English, History, American Studies and Communications=20
programs (among others), this seems to us a valuable opportunity to=20
define the space of the field and imagine its possible future as we=20
begin the next generation of exciting work with periodicals.

Please direct all contributions to

American Periodicals
Department of English
The Ohio State University
164 W. 17th Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43210

or via email to

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Received on Sat Jan 17 2004 - 20:56:53 EST