CFP: Peter Greenaway's Tulse Luper Suitcases (12/15/04; journal)

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Image [&] Narrative (, a peer reviewed e-journal on=
visual narratology in the broadest sense, invites essays that respond to Pet=
Greenaway=E2=80=99s recent Tulse Luper Suitcases: A Personal History of Uran=
ium, a=20
project that manifests itself in the forms of television, film, CDs, an inte=
site (, and as art objects. Submissions can be in=20
either French or English. (They will not be translated but the accompanying=20
abstracts will be bilingual.) Please send submissions in English to Gray=20
Kochhar-Lindgren at and French submissions to the General E=
ditor, Jan=20
Baetens, at The deadline for submissions is=
December 15, 2004.

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Received on Wed Jan 28 2004 - 23:02:54 EST